chapter 46

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Lin Shuicheng didn't answer him, and Fu Luoyin didn't continue to quarrel with him. He just looked at Lin Shuicheng's peaceful sleeping face and leaned over to kiss him gently.

He briefly reviewed his behavior towards Lin Shuicheng in the past two years - he didn't think there was anything to review. The support was voluntary, and he was taken care of in all aspects. Lin Shuicheng was not at a loss at all.

It was Lin Shuicheng who fell in love with him first, which was something they did not plan. It was tacit before, but now he was just impressed by his liking - Fu Luoyin felt that since Lin Shuicheng liked him so much, it was not impossible for him to repay him a little favor.

Lin Shuicheng is a qualified little lover. He doesn't fight or grab, and he never has any demands. But the more he behaves like this, the more Fu Luoyin feels that he is sensible and lovable. Sometimes Fu Luoyin suspected that Lin Shuicheng had some hidden intentions, just to slowly tease him and let him see how pitiful he was alone with his feelings, and then wait for him to put his heart back to him - this one The kitten is so smart, what can’t he do?

Even the chief knew that when he needed food, he would come and circle around his feet. It was not surprising that Lin Shuicheng acted coquettishly.

Fu Luoyin knew that Lin Shuicheng had to be coaxed, but he was not in a hurry. They would spend more time together in the future.

He fell asleep holding Lin Shuicheng.

Lin Shuicheng seemed to be feeling unwell due to a cold. He complained of dizziness when he woke up the next morning and refused to get out of bed. Fu Luoyin asked if he wanted to call the door, but he refused and just said he wanted to sleep.

Fu Luoyin still had work to do, so he left it to him.

He hadn't eaten the food cooked by Lin Shuicheng in a few days. Although he missed it very much, Fu Luoyin still ordered takeout for two people. Lin Shuicheng's portion consisted of shrimp and vegetable porridge, egg and meat burgers, and milk. Fu Luoyin put them on the warming table for him.

Perhaps due to the sequelae of a mild concussion, Lin Shuicheng slept until the afternoon. After waking up, he finally felt a little more awake.

When he opened his eyes, Lin Shuicheng felt as if something was stuck to his forehead. When he took it off and looked at it, he found that it was a note.

Fu Luoyin's handwriting: "Remember to eat when the food is on the table, little lazy cat."

Lin Shuicheng put the note aside, lowered his head and rubbed his temples. Fu Luoyin seemed to have grabbed him and said a lot of words yesterday. He tried hard to remember but couldn't remember what he said.

Unable to remember, Lin Shuicheng simply didn't think about it.

He went to take a shower, changed his clothes, and went to eat at the dining table. Then he contacted Han Huang and asked him if he had time for the dinner he agreed to have this afternoon.

He and Han Huang made an appointment to have dinner tonight as a thank you for the student union's help last time. He has never forgotten this.

Han Huang always replied to him very quickly: "I have time, I have time. The Department of Quantum Analysis has closed the experimental classes, and many people have gone home. I thought you had gone back too, and you were thinking about this."

Lin Shuicheng asked: "Do you have any recommendations for restaurants you like to eat? I don't have any taboos. It depends on what you like to eat, classmate."

"Senior Brother Lin is from Sichuan and Chongqing, right? Why don't we go eat hot pot?" Han Huang asked him, "Or I know there is a great spicy restaurant near Xingda University that serves hot pot and other delicacies. We can go there."

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