chapter 33

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After Dong Shuoye went out to dinner with Su Yu for four consecutive days, Su Yu finally discovered something was wrong: "No, this is not a public holiday celebration. Why haven't you gone to work for so long?"

They were eating ice cream hot pot. Dong Shuoye didn't like these sweet things, so he ordered takeout and ordered cold noodles, and ate them slowly.

"I'm suspended for investigation." Dong Shuoye glanced at Su Yu, who looked shocked, and smiled.

"I'm convinced, brother. Instead of telling you about such a big thing like being suspended for investigation, you came out with me and ate shit every day?" Su Yu asked, "Why?"

He immediately thought of a possibility: "Isn't it, is it the famous painting case that my sister-in-law took over? You are too miserable, right? The General Affairs Office will be held accountable if they can't find out, but they will be held accountable if they find out??"

"It's not that simple." Dong Shuo said slowly at night, "You don't have to worry about it, but you should not take the exam in the seventh or ninth department in the past two years. If you go in, be careful not to leave any bones left."

"How do I know you're not lying to me again?" Su Yu held a grudge and brought up old things from their high school days. "We all wanted to pursue each other when we were the class girls of Class 11 in the first year of high school. You reminded me of the countless cheating exes of that class, I didn’t go, but you ended up picking someone up. It wasn’t enough after you picked her up, so you dumped her in two weeks, which made the girl come to our floor to cry every day. You and Xia Ran were in the class next to me and Fu Er, I remember It’s crystal clear.”

"Didn't I help you explore the road? We only talked for two weeks, and the girl is really not that good. I helped you get through a surprise." Dong Shuoye said.

"Nonsense! If I believe you again, I will be like a dog." After Su Yu finished speaking, he stuffed an ice cream ball into her mouth.

After a while, Su Yu came over to him again and asked, "Really? I don't know anything about you guys, but my parents still want to open a hospital. Can you tell me more?"

After Dong Shuoye pondered for a while, he said: "I can't say, I just feel that there are big moves from above. If you think about your uncle and aunt, then in the past two years, try to direct your family's business to the Middle East Branch, North Africa, etc." Go somewhere else, don’t stay in Star City or Old North America. I don’t have specific information now, but in three to five months, the wind direction will naturally come out.”

Seeing how serious his look and tone were, Su Yu was also frightened - growing up, Dong Shuoye was always the one with the most insightful opinions in the school. High school was boring. He couldn't even tell which teachers were in love and which teachers didn't get along. They could all guess the truth. Su Yu felt like he was making it up every time, but it was always true.

When they were in the compound, they did a lot of bad things. The smartest ones were Dong Shuoye and Fu Luoyin. However, Dong Shuoye was the kind who had an insight into the overall situation but did not participate. Fu Luoyin was the one who knew and acted together. A practitioner of one - as small as using sand to block the car of the grade teacher who was squeezing out their new intern class teacher; as big as hearing that a girl in the class was sexually harassed by the physical training teacher, leading someone to lock her in the training room and beat her up. ——He randomly beats up people three days a week. The physical training teacher didn't dare to report it to the grade group, and he didn't find out who beat him up until they graduated.

"Then... I'll ask Fu Er? Will it be difficult for him to tell me?" Su Yu scratched his head and then remembered. Fu Luoyin's family also spent a lot of effort to place him in seven scientific research institutes. He was not in the same faction before. Now that Fu Luoyin has taken office, it is actually difficult to find out what's going on.

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