Kirk (Part 2)

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Here is Part 2 of the previous Kirk imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Uhura and I ran as fast as we could to the bridge...we could only hope that if Kirk wasn't there, his PADD would be. We got to the bridge and looked around, thankfully our captain was no where in sight, we ran over to the captains chair and lucking the PADD was just sitting there. I unlocked the PADD, i was worried that I wouldn't guess the password but thankfully I know Jim well enough to know that he made it 'Pike' after the man who was like a dad to him, anyway, I opened the emails and scrolled through till I found the one I'd sent...I was about to delete it when I noticed something had already been read...

"Well, well, what do I owe the pleasure of you two ladies visiting me..."

"Uhh...we, see Uhura..."

"You see I uhh..."

"This wouldn't happen to be about that email you sent me would it???"

"Uhura...oh was that you Spock??? Coming!!!"

"Uhura don't you dare leave me!!!"

"Sorry (Y/N), but Spock needs me..."

"But Nyota, I do not recall having required your..."

"Spock, just shh...sorry (Y/N)..."

"I hate you right now..."

"So...about the email you sent..."

"Uhh...well you know what girls I like...making stuff up...all for fun really...nothing meant by it..."

" your not, and I quote, 'madly and hopelessly in love' with me???"


"So it's true then..."

I could feel my cheeks burning with embarrassment...meanwhile Kirk looked like he was on the verge of laughing.

"No need to be embarrassed about it...we all have our crushes...but I suppose it's not everyday that your crush likes you back..."

"Listen Jim, I'm so sorry...I didn't mean for you to...hold on, what did you say?!"

"You heard me..."

Jim simply winked before making his way to the turbo lift...I found myself following him out of curiosity and confusion...

"Did...did you just say you liked me???"

"I don't know, did I???"

I looked up at Kirk and found him giving me a mischievous grin, I could tell he was playing games with me...maybe I should play too...

"I think you did..."

"So what you gonna do about it???"


I leaned up and kissed Jim's cheek...

"What that's all..."

"Yep...what you gonna do about it???"


Jim the pulled my lips to his in a tender kiss before stopping and staring into my eyes...

"Is that all???"

"Oh that's just the beginning..."

Jim pulled me into another kiss, this one was filled with more passion...we only stopped for air...the doors to the turbo lift opened to the exact floor Jim's quarters is on...I liked where this was going...

"Shall we???"

"We shall..."


*timeskip brought to you by Jaylah's edge still not being off...*

I lay on Jim's bed, cuddled into him with my head laying on his chest.

"That was..."


"I was gonna say ok, but that works too"


"I'm kidding...that was amazing"

"Speaking of amazing would you like to be my girlfriend???"

"Are you serious???"

"Am I ever not???"

"I'd love to be your girlfriend..."

" lets get some sleep...I'm tired after all that..."

"You getting to old for it are you???"

"Never...especially when it's with you..."

"Shut up..."

"Hey, I've been meaning to did you managed to send me that email???"

"Uhura pressed the wrong button..."

"Remind me next time I see uhura, to thank her..."

"Remind me next time I see her, to hit her for ditching me...and then thank her"

"Haha...oh, I love you so much..."

"I love you too"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now