Bones (Part 2)

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Here is Part 2 of the previous Bones imagine as requested by @stopkillingsmolbeans . Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S.  Thank you so much for over 4K reads on this book, it means a lot ❤️❤️❤️)


It had been about a week since I'd been stuck in that cave with Bones, and in that time, I hadn't stopped thinking about him...which is something I thought I'd never say...since arriving on the enterprise, I'd always hated Bones...that's just the way things were...I hated him and his attitude meanwhile he just ignored me, that's how it'd always been, and it worked, up until a week ago...

Now I find myself walking past the medbay whenever I can just to feel close to him, which just seems silly but I can't stop myself...personally, I blame Jim...he put the idea into my head and now I can't get it out...I just need to find something to get my mind off him but nothing works...I tried reading...didn't work...I tried exercising...just made me tired and sweaty but I didn't forget Leo...oh great, I'm calling him Leo now...I need help...

"Ah (Y/N), my favourite worker..."

"What do you want Jim..."

"To see how your doing...being trapped in a cave with Bones for a few days must be having some effects of you..."

" effects, now if you'll excus..."

"So it is having an in love with him yet???"

"What?! in love with Leo?! No, no, no..."

"Calling him by his name...getting defensive when he's discussed...aww, you are in love..."

"Am not!!!"

"Are too"

"Am not!!!"

"Are too"

" what if I am..."

", such a wonderful thing...I'll leave you two to it..."

"Two?!...who are you..."

Just before I could finish my sentence, I felt someone put their hand on my shoulder...they spun me around and I can face to face with Leo.

"Hey there darlin'..."

"I thought I told you to not call me darlin'..."

"I know...but after hearing what you said, I thought it'd be appropriate..."

"Listen Leo..."

"No you listen...ever since being in that cave with you, I haven't stopped thinking about you, which is odd seeing as before, I used to ignore you...but I want to change that...please, can we give us a try...if not to see how things go, but to at least try and get each other out our heads..."

"You've thought this through haven't you..."

"Is that a yes???"

"It's a, lets see how it goes..."

"That's good enough for me..."

And with that Leo put his hands on my waist before I knew it our lips met in a passionate kiss...I don't know if the kiss was intended, but I certainly didn't object to it...

It appeared that Jim was right about me and Leo...he'd been off about the time scale but somehow he knew we'd get together at some point. It's weird to think that one thing can change your whole opinion of's funny how love works.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now