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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


You and Kirk had been dating for 3 years today, to celebrate you had both taken the day off to spend time with one another, the day was amazing, you'd played board games and did some baking before both making a romantic meal together, it wasn't much but since you were on a starship and there wasn't much you could do you felt you had done quite well in terms of fun. Now you were both cuddling in bed as you watch a really old movie called 'The Loft' it was such an interesting film you were really enjoying it but you were also kind of freaked out over how much one of the main characters looked like Bones, it was as a spooky resemblance. Around half way through the movie you noticed Jim turn towards you.

"I love you"

"I love you too"

"It's hard to believe that three years ago today we started dating"

"I know, it feels like only yesterday you were standing in front of me babbling on about me being you be my girlfriend"

"I wouldn't have normally been babbling but you were making me nervous"

"Me??? I made THE Jim Kirk nervous?!...your too cute"

"I'm so glad you said yes"

"I am too"

"I wanna ask you something"


"Give me a minute..."

Jim then leaned over to his bedside drawer and pulled out a small box he then turned to you and you turned around to properly face him.

"(Y/N), the first time I saw you I felt a connection, from that moment I knew you were the one for me...I tried for weeks to ask you out I was so nervous that even when I did ask you out I messed it up but you still said yes...for the past 3 years you have made me so happy, I don't know what I would have done with out you, you complete this time I'm not gonna mess anything up...(Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), will you marry me???"

Jim then opened the small box to reveal a gorgeous ring.

"I'm already married to Spock"


"I'm kidding...Of course I'll marry you"

You pulled Jim's lips on to yours and kissed him. You wrapped your arms around his neck while he put his hands on your hips. The kiss was getting very intimate when Jim pulled away.

"You know you really scared me when you said you were married to Spock"

"I'm was just to good an opportunity to pass up"

"Your evil"

"But you love me"

"I where were we"

Let's just say you were a little...distracted to watch the rest of the film 😉😉😉

You woke up and turned to face Jim, he was still sound asleep. You looked on your left hand at your ring and back to Jim, you kept thinking how lucky you were to have found someone like Kirk, who loves and cares about you, who wants to spend the rest of his life with you.

"You know it's kinda creepy to watch people sleeping"

He opened his eyes to stare at you and you could feel a slight blush on your cheeks.

"You looked so peaceful, I didn't want to disturb you"

"You are adorable yet occasionally weird sometimes"

"That's me"

You both just laughed until both your PADDs went off you checked yours to find a message from Spock saying that you were needed on the bridge, Jim had gotten the same message so you both quickly got ready and headed to the bridge, when the turbo lift door opened you got a fright when everyone shouted.


"Oh my..."

You looked to Jim and he was some how holding out flowers for you, you took the flowers and then hugged Jim before going to thank all your friends. Music began to play and everyone started having a great time, you thanked Spock, Sulu, Chekov and Scotty before also thanking Uhura for setting up the event, Uhura couldn't wait to see the ring and you both jumped up and down like teenage girls because you asked Uhura to be your Maid of Honour and you were both excited about planning the wedding. After the girly moment was over you headed over to your brother Bones, he hugged you tightly and congratulated you, Jim then walked over and wrapped an arm around your waste, Bones warned him that if he hurt you then he would come after him before leaving the two of you alone, you turned around and put your arms around Jim's neck.

"You are an amazing fiancé by the way"

"I have my moments"

"When did you even plan this???"

"Well I'd planned this about a week ago, I was going on the fact of you saying yes"

"Oh so if I said no what would you have done???"

"I didn't have a plan for that so its a good thing we are getting married isn't it"

"It sure is"

You both leaned in and kissed one another, you could hear Uhura 'awww'ing in the background along with Bones shouting 'get a room' but neither of you cared because that moment was for you two and the fact you were wanting to be together. You stopped kissing and just stared into one another's eyes.

"I love you Jim"

"I love you too (Y/N)"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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