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Hey Guys...

So today I was busy dog sitting for my sister so I didn't have time to finish my imagine but I will get it done and up asap tomorrow. Now normally I wouldn't look after my sister's dog for her but you see today was a very special day. My sister's dog (in picture above) is called Beanie and today Beanie turned 3 years old 🎉🎉🎉. Now my sister and her fiancé both had to work today and couldn't get out of it and I was sad about that cause that would mean that Beanie would be alone on her birthday so being the amazing Auntie that I am, I decided I would go and spend the day with my beautiful niece and celebrate her birthday.

The two of us went on walks, runs, played fetch and I gave the birthday girl lots of tummy rubs and treats, it was an amazing day and even though I wasn't able to get an imagine up I felt it was important to spend time with Beans cause it's not ev...

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The two of us went on walks, runs, played fetch and I gave the birthday girl lots of tummy rubs and treats, it was an amazing day and even though I wasn't able to get an imagine up I felt it was important to spend time with Beans cause it's not everyday you turn 3. I know some people might not see the point in me taking time out of my day to celebrate a dog's birthday but Beanie is like family and I love her too much to let her be alone on such a special day so I hope you can understand, and I promise tomorrow's imagine will go up asap.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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