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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 32k reads in this book ❤️❤️❤️)


Well that's just typical...the very day I go on an away mission with the annoying twit they call Chekov, and we get stranded together. I knew that we would need more people for this mission but no...Mr I can do that decided that we didn't need anyone else, that it was a simple mission and nothing could possibly go wrong...well something did, firstly, the thing we came to look at isn't even on this planet and secondly, Chekov decided it would be a good idea to look inside a cave, and while inside the cave, it caved in at the entrance...we couldn't go anywhere and we couldn't even call for help because there was no signal in the we were stuck till someone noticed we were I have to spend god knows how long, with the one person who makes my blood boil...yay me...

"...come in enterprize..."

"Will you give it a can hear coming to get us..."

"Come on princezz don't talk like that..."

"Don't you princezz's your fault we're trapped in here in the first place..."

"Vell I'm zorry zhat I can't control rockz..."

"Just shut up and help me move some rocks..."

"Ve can't move zhese rockz...ze are too heavy..."

"Well I don't see you coming up with any ideas so either help me with these rocks or get out my face..."

"I can't go are trapped remember..."

"Don't remind me...just leave me alone"



After that we stayed silent...I continued to struggle moving rocks, while Chekov sat staring at a wall. We waited and waited for what felt like hours but we didn't know, maybe it was minutes...maybe it was days...we didn't know, it was hard to tell time in darkness. It began to get really cold...on earth this would be an indication of nighttime but on this planet we couldn't be began to get even was on the verge of freezing so I stopped moving the rocks and tried to get as far from the cave entrance as I could...I curled up into a ball and tried to preserve the remainder of my body heat. After a few minutes, I felt Chekov coming over to sit with me...he pulled me close to him, I tried to pull away but he wouldn't let me...

"You'll freeze...let me help you..."

"I don't need you help..."

"Yez you do, zo zhut up and let me..."



As we sat there together, I found myself wanting to fall asleep, but I didn't, I couldn' would be too weird. I sat there desperately trying to keep my eyes open...just as I was about to give in and sleep there was an explosion...we both shot up and looked at the entrance, and their stood our Captain, Jim.

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now