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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @lucygh12 :Hey, can I request a kirk x reader where the reader gets drunk and confesses to kirk about her feelings?

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 22k reads on this book ❤️❤️❤️)


"Finally this awful shift is over!!!"

"That bad???"

"Give me a Klingon attack any angry Vulcan, no thank you..."

"I thought you and Spock were friends now???"

"It's a long story...right now all I want to do is go to the bar and have a drink, care to join me???"


I walked along side Jim towards the on lookers, this would look like to co-workers going to have fun but for me, it was heaven, being so close to Jim...the man I'd always dreamed about one being mine...but it would only be in my dreams that he'd even consider someone like me...

Once we reached the bar the two of us sat down and began drinking...and drinking...and then more got to the point that I felt as though I had no control over my thoughts or words which concerned me deeply, especially considering who's company I was in...

"And then I heard this loud whistle and...*tries to hold in laugh* was...*still holds in laugh, badly* was Pike!!!"

We were both in tears of laughter and then I said something I wish I hadn't...

"Oh my...I Love you..."


"Jim...I love you...I know you'd never love me ba..."

I found myself being unable to finish my sentence due to my mouth being covered by Jim's lips...I instantly returned the kiss and found my hands travelling to his hair. When the kiss broke I felt my body becoming sober, as if Kirk was my cure...he made me better...



"I need you..."

"I need you too..."

Jim returned his lips to mine and his hands made their way to my waist pulling my body closer to his till there was no space between us...Jim held on to me but broke the kiss to look into my eyes...


I jumped and wrapped legs around his waist, he then returned his lips to mine...and let's just say, we were glad nobody else came to the bar that night 😉😉😉.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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