Chekov (Part 2)

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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"Pavel, your home!!!"

"Mum, Dad...I've mizzed you zo much"

"Mr and Mrs Chekov, it's so good to see you both again..."

"Oh...(Y/N) didn't zee you zhere..."

"*whispers to Pavel* here we go again..."

"Mum, Dad...vhy don't you like my girlfriend???"

"Vhat?! Who zaid anyzing abou...ok vine...she's just not right for you darling..."

"I'm right here!!!"

"Mum, I lowve (Y/N)...don't you zee zhat???"

"I do zon...but vhy couldn't you juzt stay vith Erica...zhe waz zuch a nice girl...I liked her wery much..."

"Mum, (Y/N) iz ztanding right know vhat, (Y/N), letz go..."


"Anyvhere but here..."

Pavel took your hand and guided you out the door and down the street, he stopped at the bus stop and the two of you sat down.

"(Y/N), I'm zorry you had to zee that..."

"She's just looking out for you Pasha...I guess she's just being a parent...maybe soon you can relate..."



"You juzt zaid maybe zoon I could relate...vhat are you???"

"Surprise!!! I'm pregnant..."

Pavel pulled you into a hug...

"I lowve you..."

"I love you too..."

"Now letz go tell my parentz the good newz..."


The two of you walked hand in hand back to the house, maybe now Pavel's parents wouldn't hate you so much...


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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