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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


So tonight was the night that I'd finally go on a date with the famous Jim Kirk, I couldn't believe it when he asked me...I was over the moon...I mean he's the guy all women go after and here he was asking me out. He was picking me up at 7pm and it was currently 5pm, so that gave me 2 hours to get ready.

After having a shower and washing my hair I styled my hair and put on my makeup, I then headed to my wardrobe to pick something took a while but eventually I found the perfect dress.

it took a while but eventually I found the perfect dress

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By the time I was ready it was 6.55pm, so I sat down and waited...7pm came...and went, but I didn't get down hearted because he was captain after all, he must of just been held up. At 7.30pm, I began to feel a bit anxious...but maybe he'd been held up and it was taking longer that expected??? By 8.30pm...I was sitting reading my book, patiently waiting...hoping that maybe I'd hear the door knocking...but it didn't come.

At 11pm I gave up...I wiped the makeup off my face and put my pyjamas on, climbed into bed and tried my hardest not to cry...but I just couldn't stop the tears slowly falling down my could he do this to me???

The next morning when I woke up, I wasn't sad anymore...I was angry...he'd made me feel so special and then just walked all over me...well he wasn't getting away with it, today, I was going to give the famous Jim Kirk a piece of my mind. I got dressed and stormed my way to the bridge. When I got to the bridge I was ready to scream in his face...but he wasn't fact, Spock was sitting in his chair, which was very unusual since Spock is only meant to sit there when we have no captain...

Then it hit me that something must have happened to Jim, so I ran straight out of the bridge and towards the medbay...if something had happened to Jim, Bones would no-doubt be ranting about it.

I made it to the medbay and found Bones tending to a patient, I walked over to him ready to ask him what had happened to Jim but I got my answer by just looking at the patient Bones was treating...laying there was Jim...and no offence to him, but he looked awful...he was covered in red blotches and scratches, it was horrible.

"Ah (Y/N)...I was wondering when you'd be here...lover boy over here hasn't stopped mumbling your name in his sleep..."

"What happened???"

"It appears that Jim had an allergic reaction to some flowers he got from Sulu..."

"Sulu??? I thought he was married???"

"He is...butt guess is that the flowers were for you or something..."

"Well Jim was supposed to be taking me on a date last night..."

"Well that explains why he won't shut up about you...nobody told you about him being here did they???"


"He's probably been worried about you...don't worry though, he'll be'll get your date eventually..."

"I hope you mind if I sit with him for a bit..."

"No problem...he may even wake up while your here...let me know if you need anything darlin'"

"I will Bones..."

Bones left and I took a seat next to Jim, I took his hand in mine and watched him lay there asleep...

"Don't worry Jim...I'm here for you, just please get better soon..."


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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