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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


You had just done a pregnancy test and was now waiting on the results. You and Pavel had been trying for a baby but there was no success so far, this was the 11th time you've used a pregnancy test and you were hoping that this one wouldn't be negative like the past attempts. Pavel had to work so it would just be you getting the results, whether the news was good or bad you were to go straight to the bridge to tell him. The timer on your PADD went off, it was time. You picked up the stick and turned it over, you looked down at it...


You felt your heartbreak again, 11 times you'd now gone through this and it didn't get easier, you broke down in a flood of tears. Why? Why was this happening to you? What had you done to deserve this? You just wanted an explanation but no one could give you one. You fixed you make up as best you could and calmed down before you headed to the bridge.

When you reached the bridge you your eyes locked to Chekov's instantly, as soon as you saw him the tears started again and instantly he knew what had happened, he ran over to you and held you close.

"(Y/N), I'm zorry"

You couldn't talk for the tears so you just leaned on to Pavel for comfort, all you needed was to hold him, to feel safe. Pavel walked you back to your shared room and got you to sit down, he crouched down infront of you and held your hands, this was hard on both of you. All you wanted was to start a family together and it was seeming impossible. You had both done tests and there seemed to be no reason why you could have a baby, you both just seemed to be very unlucky.

A few months passed, you and Pavel had decided to give the baby thing a break, it was getting too hard and you just couldn't handle it the now, maybe one day you would both try again but for now you were just happy to have each other. You were on the bridge talking to Spock about an experiment that had failed the other day, Spock was telling you that nothing was wrong in the experiment and that it simply failed, explaining how it was your fault it failed meanwhile you were trying to explain how it wasn't your fault it failed especially since you weren't there to see it take place. The argument continued until your PADD alerted you that today you were supposed to go for a medical exam. You ended the debate with Spock for now and said bye to Pavel before you headed to the medbay, when you got there Bones walked over to you.

"And what can I do for you Darlin'???"

"Well I'm here for my annual medical exam"

"Well then why don't you sit over there and I'll be with you in a second"

You walked over to the nearest bed and sat down, you looked around the medbay and watched the nurses running around getting supplies to fix people, Bones returned with a tricord.

"Ok just stay still while I scan you"

You sat still and waited for him to be done, usually this would only take a few seconds but for some reason Bones was taking forever.

"Hold on, I just need to get another tricord, I think that one was malfunctioning"

He left and then returned with a second tricord, he scanned you and once again he was taking forever to complete the scan, you started to panic, what if there was omething wrong with you, what if you had caught a virus, you were getting really scared with what was delaying Bones.

"Bones, what's wrong???"

"Nothing's's just that I think your...your pregnant"


"Hold on"

Bones ran to retrieve something, he returned with a pregnancy test and handed it to you.

"Go take this, just to be sure"

He motioned you to the toilet, you went in and took the test you set a timer on your PADD and waited. When the time was up you grabbed the stick and before you turned it over you prepared yourself, it might be negative again but you would need to be strong, you could do this you just had to be brave. You turned over the stick...


As smile spread across your face, you quickly ran out of the toilet and hugged Bones. He was slightly confused by the meaning of the hug.

"So...what does it say???"

"I'm pregnant"

"That's wonderful news, congratulations"

Bones hugged you once more, when he released you from the hug you realised that you needed to go see Pavel straight away so you said your goodbyes to Bones before rushing to the bridge and straight up to Pavel...he stood up, concerned as to why you had been running and his concern then turned to slight confusion as you hugged him tightly.

"Vhatz brought ziz on???"

"I'm pregnant!!!"

"Vhat?! Are you zure???"

"I just did a test and it was positive!!! We're having a baby!!!"

"Ziz in great newz!!!"

Pavel hugged you while lifting you off the ground and spinning you around, once he set you back on the ground the two of you shared a passionate kiss. Now your family was going to begin after so much disappointment and waiting finally you'd have a baby together, it was a miracle.

9 months later you gave birth to a baby girl named Ariel, she had your hair colour and Pavel's eyes, she was perfect. The whole crew fell in love with her, they all wanted to babysit her and be around her. Maybe some day in the future you'll have more kids but for now, your family is complete and you couldn't be happier.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now