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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


This was my fifth week on board the enterprise and so far, I loved it. Everyone was so nice and helpful, I have made quite a few new friends including my best friend Carol Marcus and Bones. When I first stepped onto the ship I was worried that everyone wouldn't accept me especially since I was joining the crew, 2 years into their 5 year mission, i felt like I would be intruding into there family but, Bones especially, welcomed me and made me feel at home. Leo and I spend a lot of time together considering our shifts are scheduled at the same time, we do just about everything together, it was really nice to have a friend like Bones, he's really fun to hang out with. He walks with me to the medbay every morning and after our shifts end he walks me back to my quarter, he carries my paperwork for me, he watches movies with me and makes me dinner, he really is a great friend.

I was organising some supplies in the medbay with Carol when I noticed Bones watching us, I smiled and waved at him and he returned the gesture before walking in the direction of me and Carol.



"Are you free tonight???"

"No, me and Carol are going to be going to be organising patient files...why???"

"Oh no reason...I just wanted to know if you want to watch a movie with me that's all"

Carol had been listening in and jumped into the conversation.

"She'd love to..."

"But I thought we were..."

"I can do watch a movie with Bones"

" looks like I am free"

"Great...we can walk together to my room after our shift???"

"Ok...see you then"

Bones walked back to whatever he'd been doing before, you then turned to Carol in confusion.

"How come you don want me to help with the files???"

"Oh come on...did you not see what he was doing???"

"He asked me to watch a movie with him...that's all"

"Are you serious..."

"Am I missing something???"

"How are you not seeing it...he's flirting with you, he really likes you"

"What, Leo?!...he's my friend, that's all"

"Oh my dear (Y/N), you have so much to learn...ever noticed that all your shifts were scheduled at the exact same time as Leo's and nobody else's???"

"That's just how the times worked out...isn't it???"

"He scheduled it so he could spend more time with you...ever wondered why he makes you dinner, watches movies with you???...he wants to impress you, he wants to go out with you"

"No he doesn't...If he did, I think I would of noticed him flirting with me"

"(Y/N), just last week, the King of Flirtation Jim Kirk was trying to go out with you but it went over your head, somehow I don't think it's your strong point..."

"No, Leo doesn't like me...he would of told me"

"He doesn't know how to, you friend-zoned him and he's trying desperately for you to notice him"

"What should I do???"

"Well, how do you feel about him???"

You thought about it, Leo was a very handsome man, you couldn't deny that...his hair looked incredible, his eyes were mesmerising and his lips were...okay, maybe you did like Leo a bit more than you thought.

"Well...I...I suppose...he's hot"

You could feel a blush creep on to your cheeks and a devilish smile appear on Carol's face, she then grabbed your hand and rushed you out of the medbay and towards your quarters. When she dragged you into your quarters she sat you down and got you ready for watching a movie. She did your hair and make up and picked out a cute outfit for you to wear and soon you were on your way to Leo's quarters to watch the film.
You knocked on the door and waited, Leo appeared at the door and you noticed the smile appear on his face as soon as he saw you...maybe Carol was right.

"(Y/N)!!! You made look incredible darlin'"

How had I not noticed the flirting before?!

"Thanks what are we watching???"

"Well I thought we could watch an old TV series instead of a's something called Stranger Things..."

"Sounds great"

"I'm glad you think so..."

The two of you sat on the couch and started on the first episode...about half way through the third episode you noticed Leo putting his arm around you...this is what usually happened and normally you wouldn't take any notice but after what Carol said, you felt a blush appear on your face about how close Leo was to you.

You stopped watching the series after episode 4, you and Leo both stood up from the couch but in your tired state you had stood up so that you were now pressed up against each other, neither of you moved, you just looked in to each other's eye. The next thing you knew you were were glad you had Carol to help you with your love life, otherwise this moment wouldn't be possible.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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