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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


*Chekov's POV*

(Y/N) and I have always been very honest with one another, we never keep secrets and it's always been like that since before we even got married, but now, having been together for 5 years...something has changed. (Y/N) is hiding something and I know this because when ever I ask her how she is she goes quite and changes the subject.

The first few times she did it, I let it go thinking she just wasn't ready to talk...but it's been almost a month and she now avoids talking about it...I'm scared that I've done something...that I've pushed her away somehow, and I can't bare the thought of losing her...she's my everything.

When I got back to our shared quarters I found (Y/N) coming out of the bathroom looking like she just threw up...I hated seeing her like was like she was broken but I didn't know how to fix her. I hugged her close to me and she hugged back but something didn't feel right, we weren't communicating and now things were weird between us...I couldn't take it anymore.

"How are you veeling???"

"I'm good..."

"Are you zure???"

"Can you just drop it...please..."


I walked into the bathroom intending to go for a shower, let (Y/N) have some space...let myself think clearly. As I passed the sink to head to the shower, I noticed that the tube of toothpaste was empty so I picked it up to put it in the bin. I opened the bin and was about to drop the tube in when I noticed a white stick in the bin...a stick that resembled a pregnancy test. I took the test out of the bin and turned it over to read it...pregnant.

In that moment, everything became so clear...this was the reason was being so distant...she was probably worried about the fact she was having a I'd react...I instantly felt guilty, because in a way, it's my fault that she's been so miserable lately...well that was going to change, today.

I walked out of the bathroom, pregnancy test in hand, and walked over to (Y/N) who was sitting curled up on the couch. I sat down next to her and wrapped my free arm around her, I then held the pregnancy test in front of myself so that it was in her view as well as mine.

"Vhen vere you going to tell me about zis???"

"Pavel...I'm so sorry...please don't hate me..."

"Vhat vould I hate you??? Your carrying my baby...I don't hate you...I lowve you..."

"So your not mad that I didn't tell you???"

"I vill admit...I vas a bit dizappionted zhat you velt you couldn't tell me...but I know vhy you didn't and I aczept zhat..."

"Aww Pavel I love you..."

"I lowve you too...and I'm going to be zhere for you ewer ztep of ze vay...I promize..."

"Thank you"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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