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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"Hey's the cold???"

He waved before just shrugging at me, then abruptly turned around and sneezed, covering some equipment with his odd acidic snot...

"Oh...well, I hope you feel better soon...have you seen Chekov around??? The Captain said he was down here with Scotty..."

He shook his head before wandering away from me. I stood in my spot and thought about where Pavel could be...I knew he couldn't be far...he must be around here somewhere...and so, I set out looking for him. Yes, the engineering deck was big and I was just one small person but I had to at least try didn't I??? I had tried calling him but his communicator must be off or something because he didn't pick up, and he usually does...something about today just didn't feel right.

I looked high and low but Pavel was no-where to be seen. I headed towards the warp core as it was probably the only place I hadn't looked yet...I only hoped that Scotty's fear of something happening to the warp core would mean he was with it to keep an eye on it and therefore Pavel would be here too...I was wrong...there was only a couple of red shirts doing some simple checks, no head of engineering or engineer in training. I was about to give up and leave when I noted something on a control was a note...


Meet me where we first met

PC x

Well that was short...I thought back to where I first met Pavel. It was my first day aboard the enterprise, I had just been beamed aboard from a different ship. I was never good with the whole beaming thing and so when I started to walk off the pad, I tripped...I had closed my eyes and braced myself for hitting the floor but I never did, because Pavel was my knight in shining armour and caught me before I could fall. Our eyes met and we both knew there was a spark, we started dating the next day, and I had been for 3 years since then. I made my way out of the engineering department and headed towards the transporting room. When I arrived I was greeted outside the door by Sulu who had the biggest grin on his face, it was quite disorientating

"What's got you in a good mood Sulu???"

"Oh nothing..."

"You sure???"

"Positive, now get in there..."


"No reason..."

"So I don't have to go in then???"

"Okay fine...I'm happy because you and Chekov are so in love now hurry up and get in there so I can be even more happy..."

"Is that even possible???"


"I said, I'll be going in now..."

I walked into the transport room, expecting to see the normal room I'd seen a hundred times before but was pleasantly surprised to find the room covered with roses and candles...there was music softly playing in the background and in the centre of the beaming pad, was the man I'd been looking for all day...Pavel. He was wearing a suit instead of his usual uniform, and was holding a bunch of red roses in his hand. I walked over to him and we both just smiled at one another.



" this where you've been for the last few hours???"

"Yez...I vanted eweryzhing to be perfect for you..."

"You do realise I've been running around the engineering department looking for you..."

"I zhought you might, but zhat gave me zome time to get eweryzhing zet up..."

"Set up for what???"

"Theze are for you..."

He handed me the roses before reaching into his pocket for something...

"(Y/N), zince ze day I caught you from valling in zhiz very room, I knew you vere ze vone for me...I fell for you and you literally fell for complete me, and I vant to spend the rezt of my life vith (Y/N) (Y/L/N), vill you do me ze honour of becoming my vife???"

Pavel got down on one knee and presented you with a gorgeous stood their in both shock and happiness...


Pavel slide the ring onto your finger before standing to pick you up and spin you around in a hug. When he set you back down on the ground you shared a tender kiss, and as you did, you both heard the door slide open, you broke the kiss and turned to see a very happy Sulu...

"Aww...look at you two all happy and in love...I take it she said no..."


"I know...she obviously said yes...why wouldn't she...she's crazy for you..."


"Okay, okay...I'm leaving"

You turned back to Pavel and kissed him once more.

"I love you Pavel Chekov"

"And I love you (Y/N) (Y/L/N)...soon to be Chekov"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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