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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"(Y/N), I think we should break up..."


"Listen, it's me, not you..."

"So it's me then..."

"No...uhh...I just think we aren't right for each other..."

"But...I love you..."

"And I used to love you...but I can't be with you anymore...I'm sorry"

He walked off...after 5 years together...he just walks off...probably to go find his new play thing. You could feel tears threatening to fall down your cheeks but refused to let least until you felt safe, so you headed to the only place you knew you would be rejected, your brother's quarters. When you arrived you knocked...he shouted something, so you entered and walked down the small hallway till you found him sitting watching something on his PADD.

"Well if it ain't my favourite sister...what can I do for you???"

It was at this point that the tears started falling and this time you couldn't control them, you were just too heart broken. As soon as Jim noticed you was crying he got up off his chair and rushed to your side, he pulled you into a comforting hug before holding you by the arms and looking into your eyes.

"(Y/N), what's wrong??? Please...just talk to me...let me help..."

"H...he...he dumped me..."

"He WHAT?!"

"Jim...I l...loved him...and h...he broke my heart..."

"Oh (Y/Nickname) come here..."

Jim pulled you into another hug...during the hug, you could feel yourself calming down, Jim always had that effect on you...even when the two of you were kids...when you were with Jim, it felt as if no one could hurt you.

"Oh (Y/N)...I'm so so sorry...I hate to see you so hurt..."

"I really liked him Jim..."

"I know you be honest, I even thought it'd be you two for life...obviously he's not as good as I kills me to know he's done this to you..."

"What am I gonna do???"

"I dunno...but I know what I'm gonna do..."


"I'm gonna make sure he pays for this..."

Jim pushed you away gently and headed for the door but just before he managed to leave, you grabbed his arm.

"No...he's not worth it..."


"No buts...if you go and start shouting at him, or won't fix anything...I'll still feel like crap...the best thing, you can just be my brother, and hug me..."

"I suppose I can do that...but I can't promise that he won't mysteriously be transferred to another ship..."

"Well...I suppose that does make me feel a bit better..."

You smiled at the thought of seeing your ex leave the ship...

"There's her smile...I've missed seeing your smiles..."

"How was I so lucky to get you as a brother..."

"The same reason I was lucky enough to get you as a sister..."

"I love you Jim...and thank you for being here for me..."

"It's no problem sis...and I love you too...always will"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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