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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 42k reads on this book, it means the world to me ❤️❤️❤️)


This morning when you were lying in bed, you didn't have a care in the world, everything was going great. You were up to date on all your work, you friends and family were all fit and healthy and you couldn't be happier...if only it lasted for the rest of the day. If you had known that today was going to be so crap, you wouldn't have bothered getting out of see, being a female, you get a little surprise every month...without warning, you just bleed and get an unbearable pain in you sides. Now usually, you roughly know when your period is going to be so this morning, you did expect to feel like you just peed yourself, because you sneezed, but this was your unfortunate reality for today. Now a period, you can handle, you'd had a lot of practise and so, you were prepared...however what you hadn't prepared for, was grumpy, insensitive new recruits, it had some how slipped your mind. So on top of uncontrollably bleeding and aching sides, you also had to deal with a group of uninterested engineers, they didn't listen to a word you said and so, when they started working, they got everything wrong...when Scotty asked who told them to do something, instead of admitting that they didn't listen, they simply said my I ended up getting shouted at for being unprofessional and distracted...I was sent back to my quarters for the rest of my shift to "reflect on my actions".

Instead of going straight to my quarters i had decided to call in to the bridge to see Pavel, but ended up walking into Bones on my way, he had been holding a PADD and ended up dropping it because of you...he wasn't happy...the results of a blood test for an unknown species he had just conducted were on that PADD and he hadn't uploaded it to the ships system yet, so now he would have to start again, so after being shouted at for the second time that day, I noticed tears beginning to stream down my cheeks from a mixture of being shouted at and because of what time of month it was...your emotion didn't appear to both Bones very much as he simply walked away from you...but it obviously bothered Chekov, because he walked over and pulled you into a hug. You cried into Pavel's chest and he gently rubbed your back as comfort. By this point, everyone in the bridge was staring at you but you didn't care, you were too emotional to care right now. Chekov appeared to also see everyone staring because he guided you back to your quarters. He looked through your wardrobe before throwing your onesie at you.

"Put zhat on..."


"You'll vind out avter your changed..."

Pavel headed out your bedroom and you got changed. When you walked into your living room, you found Chekov sitting on the couch wrapped in a duvet. When he noticed you walk in, he pulled the corner of the duvet back to let you sit.

"Ok, zo I know you veel like crap but hopevully, I can make you veel a little better...I haff all your vavourire DVDs ready, I haff hot vater bottlez and chocolate, hot chocolate...eweryzhing to help vind my happy, bubbly girlfriend again"

"Has anyone ever told you how amazing you are"


"Well it's true...thank you for this..."

"It'z not problem...I'd do anyzhing, for you dear, anyzhing..."

"Are you quoting 'Oliver'???"


"Your adorable..."

"I know..."


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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