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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @Lembas_eating_valar :Can I make a request? I know I was rude last time, but I want to give my personality another chance. Can you write a Kirk imagine in which he and the reader are in a relationship and stuck on a beautiful planet due to transporter malfunctions?
It's alright if you're still annoyed when at me.

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 7k reads on this book it means a lot ❤️❤️❤️)


"Jim, remind me again why you dragged me out here???"

"Because this planet is beautiful and I wanted to share it with a beautiful girl..."

"Aww Jim...that's so sweet"

"I have my how about we take a look around"


Jim and I walked all around the beautiful place, it was gorgeous and so romantic. Jim had even planned a picnic one the beach like Part of the planet, I felt so lucky to have such a wonderful boyfriend as Jim. After a great day together we stood holding hands as we watched the suns set, afterward we decided it was best to head back to the Enterprise.

"Beam us up Scotty..."

"Aye Captain"

We stood and waited but nothing happened. No swirl of light or planet disappearing and enterprise appearing...we just stood there, baffled.

"Uhh, Scotty??? You can beam us up now..."

"Umm...about that...Jim, it appears that we're having some issues with the transporter..."

"Well can you fix it???"

"Oh I can fix it...*mubbling*"

"What was that???"


"Scotty you'll have to speak clearer, we can't here you..."

"I can fix it...but it'll take a while"

"How longs a while???"

"Maybe...a day"

"A DAY!!!"

"I'm sorry, we'll work as fast as we can..."

"You better...Kirk out"

"Jim, what are we gonna do???"

"We'll just have to wait I guess"

We ended up walking around for bit and thankfully found a cave to wait in out of the cold, this was the only downside to this planet, during the day it was warm and sunny and beautiful but at night, it was freezing cold and could kill you if you stayed in it too long. Jim and I huddled together while we waited, we ended up talking about our lives and things we did as children, it was nice because I felt like I was getting to know Jim more.

At some point we must have fallen asleep because when I woke up, I found myself cuddled into Jim who was fast asleep only we weren't in the cave, we were in Jim's quarters. Obviously during the night Scotty must have fixed the issue. Jim started to stir and eventually opened his eyes.

"Good morning beautiful"

"Good morning...did you know we got beamed up last night???"

"Yeah...I woke up and Scotty beamed us up, I was going to wake you up but you looked so peaceful so I just brought you here instead"

"I love you...and thank you for yesterday, I had a really good time"

"I'm glad you had fun, and I love you too"

"I just have to say though, maybe next time...make sure the transporter works before we leave..."

"Will do gorgeous..."


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now