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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!









"No, I'm sorry...I've got a lot of work to do and not a lot of time..."

"You could haff told me...I hate zeeing you zo ztrezzed..."

"I'll keep that in mind for next time but at the moment I've got to get this done but I'll be finished soon and then I'll spend time with you, I promise..."


Pavel looked around the room for something to cure his boredom...he was surprised at how little there was to do, but settled on playing games on his PADD. Meanwhile (Y/N) tried to focus on the work she was currently drowning in...being the Captain's assistant was a lot more stressful than she had originally anticipated but then again, her Captain was Jim Kirk, the man who seemed to avoid paperwork and focused more on physical now she had every form from every mission Jim had been on in the last week and there was a lot...

She was getting through the work quite well, or so she seemed that the unfinished pile was growing quicker than the finished, what didn't help her work, as much as she didn't want to admit, was Pavel, for two reasons in particular, 1. Because he was so adorable and she just wanted to stop working and cuddle him and 2. Because as adorable as he is, he can be annoying at times, especially if the person he is annoying is under a lot of stress, if he wasn't trying to get her attention, he was doing something loud, like playing a game on full volume...(Y/N) hated getting angry at him, especially with his puppy dog face, but she had a job to do and couldn't let her adorable boyfriend get in the way of that. Eventually, after 5 hours, (Y/N) had gotten through all the paperwork for that week, now all she wanted was to cuddle up to Pavel and sleep for the next few days. She headed over to the bed where Pavel had been laying and found him fast asleep cuddling to her pillow tightly, it was the cutest thing ever, she didn't have the heart to wake him up so she climbed into bed at his side and cuddled into him, even when he was fast asleep, he still knew how to calm you down after a stressful day. 


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now