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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 35k reads on this book, it means a lot to me ❤️❤️❤️)




"Can we do something today???"

"Are you sure that in your condition you should be doing something??? Would it not be a better idea to rest babe???"

"Jim, I'm's not that drastic...and come on, I've been stuck in this room for the past week...I wanna do something fun for a change"

"Why leave when we can do something fun here..."

"Oh yeah??? Like what???"

"We could play a game..."

"What game???"

"Uhh...we could play...monopoly??? Or Uno??? Or..."

"Hold me back..."

"Baby don't be like that...I just want you to safe ok???"

"You know what...I'm not gonna bother...just get monopoly out..."

Jim set up the game and we began first it was really boring but then I started to really like playing...

"I'd like to buy a house each for these plots..."

"Whatever you say...that's 180 for all three"

"Thank you...your turn pretty boy"

"Watch and learn and...NO!!!..."

"Haha!!! Off to jail you go mr watch and learn!!!"

"Shut up...just take your turn..."

"Touchy,'s just a game sweetheart..."

"Just go's your turn..."

"Fine...*rolls dice*...Ha!!! Your in luck, you have done a good deed and are now $20 better off!!! Take tha...aaahhhh!!!"

"Woah, what's wrong?!"

"My water just broke..."

"Your...oh...oh no...uhh...don't not panic!!!"

"Pull yourself together call bones..."

"Bones?! Bones?!"

"I meant on your communicator you idiot!!!"

"Oh right..."

Jim called Bones but I ended up having to take the comm. off him to talk for myself since Leo was probably getting confused as to why Jim was just screaming Bones at him...any way, some nurses can to escort me to the medbay but they ended up helping Jim because I could walk fine, Jim on the other hand, appeared to have lost his ability to walk and speak properly...we made it to the medbay and Bones helped me to sit on a bed

"So I see, Jim's taking this well..."

"Bones, is he gonna be ok???"

"He'll be fine...but for now darlin' I need you to concentrate on yourself and the baby ok???"

"Ok...I'll try"

*timeskip...hold up, are you sure???...aye, it said in the script...* (A/N: shoutout to @ZoeP03 for reminding me about this blooper)

"'s a boy..."

I took my baby boy from Bones and held him close to me...he was so cute, especially his perfect eyes...they were just like Jim's...he was perfect.

"Hey Bones..."


"Can you go get Jim please..."

"No problem darlin'..."

A few moments after Bones left, Jim appeared...he was looking a bit out of it but as soon as he saw our baby, I saw his heart melt and I knew he was ok...

"Jim...say hello to your baby son..."

"It's a boy?!"


"What is his name gonna be???"

"Well, I was thinking...George..."

"George...I love it...I'm so proud of you...thank you for giving me such a wonderful family..."

"I feel like I should also be thanking you...our family wouldn't be possible without you..."

"I love you (Y/N)..."

"I love you too Jim"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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