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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"(Y/N), have you seen my stethoscope???"


"I was gonna put it on display in my office but it's not in its box..."

"Well, where did you have it last???"

"If I knew that I wouldn't be asking...would I?!"

"I was only trying to help, there was no need to snap..."

"Well it's probably you that's moved it anyway..."

"Why would I move it?!"

"Because you move all my stuff...if it's not put away the way you like it, you move what have you done with my stethoscope???"

"Ok...I'll admit, I move your stuff...but only in our quarter and only so it's not cluttered all the time...but if you take note of your surroundings, you would have realised we are in your office...a place filed with private information...information that if I read with out permission, I could lose my job tell me Bones...why would I risk my career over a stupid antique..."


"You know what...while you come up with an excuse for me...I'm going to go and spend time with our son because at least he doesn't blame me for everything!!!"

I stormed out of Leo's office and headed to my quarter, I typed in the code and the door opened, I found the babysitter, Caitlin, preparing Jack's bottle...

"Oh (Y/N)...your home early, everything ok???"

"Not really...Leo's being a jerk...and I missed my little boy..."

I walked over to the crib and lifted out my baby, as soon as he noticed it was me the biggest grin appeared on his little face, it melted my heart. I brought him over to Caitlin who handed me his bottle, I began feeding Jack when I heard the door opening, both Caitlin and I looked at the door and my eyes were met by Leo's.

"I'll leave you two to talk...give me a call if you need me to look after Jack again."

"Sure thing Caitlin...and thank you for today..."

Caitlin left and Leo and I stood staring at one another in silence. The silence was only broken when Jack had finished his bottle and started making gurgling noises.

"Give him to me..."

"No...I can handle him...I won't lose him like I've apparently lost your precious stethoscope..."

"Listen (Y/N), I'm sorry for the way I was uncalled for..."

"Yes, it was..."

"Can you forgive me???"

"That's the thing Leo...I don't know if I can...this isn't the first time you've blamed me for something that wasn't my fault...remember that time you lost your tricord..."

"It was in my  drawer..."

"And the time you lost your office key..."

"I put it in my back pocket..."

"Exactly...and your stethoscope???"

" was in my filing cabinet..."

"See...those weren't my was just you being careless...but still you blame me, time after time, and I'm sick of it..."


"No, don't you (Y/N) me..."

"You messed up Leo...and now your gonna have to deal with that..."

I sat Jack down in his crib before I walked over to the wardrobe and pulled out a bag...

"Where are you gonna go darlin'???"

"Oh, I'm not going anywhere...your going to find somewhere else to stay while I decided whether or not we can move passed this..."

I started putting his closes and belongings into the bag but Leo just took them back out again...


We continued this silly routine till we both ended up in tears...I eventually stopped throwing his stuff in the bag and Leo walked over to me and pulled me into hug.

"I'm sorry..."

"No, it's me that should apologise darlin' I keep causing you to feel like this and I'm sorry...just please...don't make me leave...I love you...I love Jack...your my family..."

"I'm sorry I was so can stay..."


Leo and I both looked over at Jack in amazement...he just said his first words...and perfect timing too.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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