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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by PurpleVioletSR :Can you do one where the reader is the baby of the ship and everyone is hella overprotective of her and she is dating Chekov. She finds out she's pregnant and Bones tells the whole ship who start a manhunt for Chekov and nearly kill him. You stand up for him and everyone gives up beating Chekov to fawning over you and being even more protective.

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Baby of the ship, sounds cute doesn't it...well in's a nightmare...well maybe not that extreme but it's still annoying and I'll tell you why, being the youngest on the ship means that everyone is older than you (obviously) but it also apparently means that all those older than me, even if it's only by a year, must protect me at all costs, and although I like having the support of the crew who are basically family, the protection can go a little to far...

So I have a boyfriend, his name is Pavel Chekov, you may have heard of him, anyway, I have been dating Pavel for about a year now and he is such a sweetheart, he's always there to support and love me and I'm so grateful to have him in my life, anyway, when Pavel and I first started dating the rest of the crew were not happy about it, they were all convinced that Pavel would hurt me in some way but luckily after a while of seeing how happy I was, they all calmed down and let us be, but I knew that it wouldn't last long...

I had been sitting at my station when I began to feel ill, I tried to convince myself, and everyone around me that I'd be fine but ended up being taken by Uhura to the Medbay where the babysitting role was passed over to Bones. Bones ran a few tests and when he got the results he looked angry which scared me...he ended up telling me I was pregnant which made me go into complete shock, I was only 18 and pregnant?! Bones had picked up on my reaction but took it the wrong way and disappeared to his office I didn't know what he was doing but I didn't really care, I was more concerned about how I was gonna break the news to Pavel...would he leave me??? I was so worried but my thoughts were interrupted by a ship announcement from the captain...

"Enterprise Crew this is your Captain, we have alarming news...I have just been informed by Bones that our innocent little (Y/N) is pregnant...Mr Chekov has violated our little girl and now he must pay, we must find him immediately...Kirk out..."

"What the hell Bones?!"

"(Y/N), I had to...he can't get away with this..."

"What are you talking about?! Get away with what???"

"He got you pregnant...we can't let him think he can just take your innocence like that..."

"You do realise that the only reason I'm pregant is because I slept with him right??? And might I add, it was consensual!!! I wanted to have sex with him..."

"What has he done to you darlin'..."

"He's done nothing!!! Good this ship is insane..."


*Chekov's POV*

"There he is!!! Get him!!!"

Wait what?!

*Your POV*

I was sitting in the medbay because Bones wouldn't let me leave...he didn't want that 'monster' finding me...anyway, his comm started to ring so he answered it.

"We've got him..."

"I'm on my way...(Y/N), stay here darlin' don't worry, we'll make him pay..."

"Your insane...I'm coming with you and if anyone has laid a finger on him I swear to god Bones I will transfer to a different ship..."

Bones then took off down the corridors with me right behind him...we ended up in the engineering department where we found Pavel tied to a chair surrounded by a whole load of red shirts with Kirk and the rest off my 'parents'...I instantly ran over to Pavel and attempted to untie him but was picked up...I began to kick and scream until whoever had grabbed me let me go...I continued to untie Pavel before turning towards the 'parents'

"What the f*ck is wrong with all of you!!! I'm pregnant, deal with it!!! Pavel is the father and if you think that hurting him is the right answer then your crazy, because I love him and I know that he'll look after me and our family, now if you can't accept that then I don't want to be on this ship for a second longer..."

Everyone just stared at me, shocked at my outburst, I watched as the sudden realisation of what they were doing flushed over everyone's faces...Kirk was the first to speak...

"(Y/N)...we're sorry...we just love you so much and we don't want to see you hurt..."

"Pavel won't hurt me...and I understand that you care, but this isn't they way to go about things..."

"Your right...our priority has always been you...and if your happy we're happy, but just know that we're still gonna look out for you and especially your baby..."

"I know...and I love that you all care but next time, turn down the crazy..."

"We come on...FAMILY HUG!!!"

We all entered in a group hug and the overprotecting began...

"Hold up, down hug to hard, we need to remember (Y/N)'s got a baby inside her..."

"You do realise the baby isn't that big yet..."

"You can never be to careful..."

I'll probably never get rid of the "baby of the ship" title, even though I'm gonna have my own baby some...and I'll probably never be able to do something without having the whole ship be concerned about  me but as annoying as they all are, they are still my family and I'll love them no matter what...


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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