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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Writing stories always seemed to come natural to me...I could write a story about everything and everything, now it's not so easy...the words don't flow as easily as they once did, the reason??? School...specifically, English...I was terrible at English, it just seemed so hard, I didn't understand the reason for the class...why read passages to then answer questions about it??? What really bothered me was that somehow there were answers to these though??? Half the time the questions were based on opinion and interpretation, so how could you be marked right or wrong??? Writing became more of a chore, stories weren't fun...but that all changed when I discovered a thing called Wattpad, it was a place my work wouldn't be marked by a teacher, it could just be read to be enjoyed, writing would be fun again...the page was blank, but it wouldn't be for my stories i could be anything and no one could stop me, it was my world to control...

I finished writing the story and published it before getting on with the rest of my the end of the day I checked my story to see if people liked it, it seemed to be a hit. I switched off my phone and climbed into bed before falling to sleep and entering my dreams...

I found myself oddly enough dreaming about my dog and what it would be like if he could talk...the two of us were discussing what it's like to a dog when I scared myself awake, I hated when that happened...I opened my eyes expecting to be greeted by the dull darkness of my bedroom ceiling but instead I was met by a blinding white my eyes adjusted I sat up to try and figure out where I was...I was stunned to see what I had recognised, from the Star Trek films, as the medbay...there were doctors and nurses in there blue uniforms rushing around treating patients...I looked around confused...I then noticed Bones walking towards me...the fan girl within me started freaking out, how was this possible...

"I see your you feeling darlin'???"


" appears that your speech is slightly must have hit your head before we found you..."

"Found me?!"

"Do you not remember???"

"You were on an m class planet, you were passed out on the surface...if we hadn't of found you when we did, god only knows what could have happened to you..."

"'re Bones..."

"Yes I you know your name???"

"I'm (Y/N)...but you're's really you?!"

"Yes...maybe I should scan your head again..."

"No I'm's just a lot to this is the enterprise???"


"I heard about it back on earth before...uhh...before I went travelling..."

"So you're from earth originally???"

"You could say that..."

"Well we are actually heading to earth...we could drop you off there if you don't mind sticking around for a bit..."

"I would love to!!!"

"Someone's about show you around..."

"That would be awesome!!!"

"Ok...just give me a second...I'll be right back..."

Bones went to his office while I looked around...this was so cool, I was actually on the enterprise!!! As I was looking around I noticed a blonde woman walk passed me...

"Oh my god!!! You're Carol Marcus?!"

"Yes I am...can I help you???"

"No I'm ok..."


She walked on passed, looking very confused...I felt like such an idiot embarrassing myself like that but I couldn't help it...I was just to excited. I sat just watching my surroundings before I noticed Bones had come back with a blue dress for me...

"Here you go...I thought you might like a change of can go change in my office if you'd like...when your done, I'll show you around..."


I walked to Bones office and got changed, after I had composed myself about the fact my fictional crush was going to be showing around the ship I had only dreamed about...i walked out of the office and back over to Bones, I had to avoid eye contact with him for a fear of my legs turning to jelly and me not being able to walk...

"Ah (Y/N)...ready for the grand tour???"

"You have no idea..."

Bones should me all around the ship and although I think I scared the majority of the crew with the amount of fan girling I did, I had so much fun...I was so weird to be able to see the place I'd seen in movies and even written about. The last place Bones should me was what appeared to be someone's room...

"So this is my'll be staying in hear vith me since there isn't another room available...I hope you don't mind..."

"I don't mind at now???"

"Well I was wondering if maybe you wanted to watch a movie with me???"

"I would love to!!!"

"Great...why don't you pick something while I get some snacks..."

Bones handed me his PADD to pick a film...there were so many to choose from, some films that hadn't even come out yet!!! I ended up picking the version of Captain America Civil War because it was my all time favourite film. Together me and Bones watched the film and every so ofter I couldn't help but just look at Bones...this was such a bizarre situation and I still couldn't believe it was happening to me...what was even more amazing was that halfway through the film, Bones put his arm around me...I felt a blush appear on my face and I think Bones noticed because he gently kissed me on the head which only made me blush more...when the film ended Bones turned of the TV and turn to face me...we stared into one another's eyes and before I knew it, he was leaning in, and I was leaning in and...

*beep* *beep* *beep*

God dammit!!!

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock...what had felt so real had unfortunately been a dream...but I wasn't angry or annoyed because at least now I had a storyline for today's imagine. 😊😊😊


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now