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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


You had just finished your shift for the day and decided to go see your husband Bones. You walked down the hall to his quarters and knocked on the door but no-one answered, you checked your PADD to find Bones location and you were told he was in him room...with (Y/F/N)??? You were slightly confused at to why (Y/F/N) would be in his room but you took no notice, you typed in Leo's door code and entered the quarter, you could here a moaning sound coming from his bedroom, you guessed what was going on but you wanted to give Leo the benefit of the doubt, you went to the bedroom door and knocked on it as you entered, you instantly regretted it. To your horror you found Bones on top of (Y/F/N), you could feel tears falling from your eyes.


Leo and (Y/F/N) stopped what they were doing, Leo's eyes locked on yours, you turned and ran out the room, you could hear him call after you but you didn't want to speak to him, you couldn't speak to him. He had just proved that he is just like every other guy you'd been with, always going after another woman, you meant nothing to him. You ran down the hall, you were going to hid in your quarter but knew Leo would look there so instead you ran to the bridge to find your brother Jim. When you got to the bridge you ran straight into Jim's arms and cried your eyes out.

"What's wrong (Y/N)???"


"Right that's it, I'm gonna kill him"


"Spock, come here please"

Spock walked over to you and Jim. Jim stopped hugging you and put your hand in Spock's before he started heading to the exit.

"You look after her while I go deal with doctor grumpy"

Spock guided you over to his station to show you an experiment he had been working on, normally this would cheer you up but, you couldn't stop thinking about Bones and how he didn't care about hurting thought that when you got together he would be different but you were obviously wrong, he could never be the man of your dreams.

*meanwhile in Bones's room*

"(Y/F/N) just get OUT!!!"

"But Leonard, I thought we had something..."

"Well you were wrong...I love (Y/N)...I've really messed up"

"Leonard plea..."




(Y/F/N) walked out while Jim stormed in, he walked right up to Bones and punched him to the ground.


"Jim...Jim stop...JIM STOP!!!"

Jim stopped hitting Bones and got off of him.

"How could you do that to her"

"Listen, I'm sorry...I'm an idiot"

"You're right about that..."

"I need to fix this...Jim please you gotta help me get her back"

*back to the Bridge*

You and Spock were still looking over the experiment when you noticed the door open, Jim walked in with Bones close behind. You noticed that Bones had blood and bruises on his face, you could feel tears form in your eyes but you refused to let them fall, you couldn't allow yourself to care for someone who doesn't care about you.

"(Y/N), come here a minute..."

"I'm not coming over to talk to him"

"(Y/N), please...I'm sorry, I was and idiot...please just here me out"


"(Y/N), I'm so sorry...I never meant to hurt you"

"Oh so you thought I'd be okay with you and (Y/F/N) sleeping together??? Or where you just hoping not to get caught so I wouldn't know"

"(Y/N), I made a terrible mistake, I didn't mean for it to happen, I was a fool...please just tell me what I can do to fix this darlin'..."

"I don't think you can fix this Leo..."

You both stared into each other's eyes and you both started to cry, you didn't want to leave Bones but you didn't know how you could ever forgive him for what he did. You headed to the turbo lift but Bones didn't was then that you realised your marriage was definitely over...


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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