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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S.  Thank you so much for over 17k reads, it means a lot ❤️❤️❤️)


It all happened so had been you 1st wedding anniversary to Pavel and the two of you were driving to your home town to see your parents. The road was quiet, not many cars or people around when out of no-one something smashed into the side of the car and you felt something pierce into your stomach, then everything went black.

Since then, you haven't opened your tried to but, you couldn't...your body wasn't letting you. You could feel your self awake but you couldn't move, or just lay on what you guessed was a hospital bed. You could here everything around you, machines beeping, shoes squeaking on the floor, lifts dinging, people chatting, wheels was so serial how you could sense everything but you were prisoner in your own body, unable to see the world around you.

You could here people mumbling before you heard a door open slowly, you then heard footsteps coming towards you before they stopped on your right hand side, whoever was there was either standing or had just sat down but you couldn't be sure. You lay there, hoping they would speak so you wouldn't feel so alone.

"(Y/N)'z me...Pavel..."

You felt relieved that he was okay, you don't know what you would have done if something had happened to him.

"'ve probably guezzed your in a coma...I really hope you can hear me...I juzt vanted to let you know how much I lowve you, and zhat I need you to wake up because I really don't know vhat I'd do vithout you...your my everything..."

He went quiet for a bit but then you heard him sniffling...he was crying. You loved him so much, you hated it when something was hurting him, and it hurt even more knowing he was hurting over you, you tried with all your energy to move your hand, open your do something...something to show him you were okay, but it was no use, it didn't work. You just had to sit as your husband's heart broke beside you.

Pavel never left your bedside, he was determined to wait for you to wake up. He knew you would, and he wanted to be here when you did but the only thing was, nothing worked, you couldn't wake up...Pavel started believing in you while you began to gave up, the thought of never waking up terrified you...but it seemed to be your reality.

When someone is in a coma, doctors usually tell you that the best method to helping someone wake up is to talk to them or read to them, remind them of stories or surprise them with something but it seemed as though you fell out of the normal methods or at least, that's what you thought...

You'd now been in a coma for about two months, it had been so long that it was now your birthday and your family and friends had decided to throw you a party in your room at the hospital, it was the best chance of getting you to wake up, especially since Pavel had organised some sort of surprise for was worth a shot.

All your friends and family were here having a good time, you loved knowing that everyone was having a nice time...whenever someone visited you they ended up crying in pain so it was nice to hear them all chatting and being happy.

"Okay's time for the surprise"

The door to your room squeezed and you heard footsteps entering. The person walked over to your side, slowly, and took your hand into theirs.

"Hello buttercup"

You knew that was admiral pikes was your dad...


You felt your eyes open and for the first time in so long, you saw everyone...there was Jim, Spock, Chekov, Sulu, Scotty, Uhura, Bones, and your dad.

"I...I thought you w...were dead"

"I could never leave my princess behind"

Your dad kissed your head and the party went into full swing, everyone could relax knowing you'd be okay, you watched as your mum and dad danced together, they seemed so happy. You felt someone sit beside you and place their arm around you, you knew it was Pavel so you rested your head on his shoulder.

"I zhought I lozt you..."

"I know...but I'm gonna be okay, I promise"

"Good...I do lowve you, you know"

"And I love you too, more than you'll ever know...happy late anniversary by the way"

"Happy late anniwerzary (Y/N)"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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