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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S thank you for 38k reads on this book, it's nice to know that people read what I write ❤️❤️❤️)



Bones came running out the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist and what appeared to be covered in green dye, he looked furious. You tried you best to keep a straight face, it was really hard not to laugh.

"Hey Leo...what's wrong???"

"Don't play innocent with me...I know you did this"

"Did what???"

A small giggle escaped your lips, Bones motioned to his upper body

"THIS!!! You did THIS!!! Admit it"

"I have *giggle* no idea what *giggle* your talking about"

By this point you couldn't hold your laughter back anymore, this was just to funny...Bones loved his glowing skin and now it was bright green, his face was priceless.

"Oh...your gonna regret this darlin'..."

"Aww come on's not that bad...if it makes you feel any better...then I'm sorry"

"No, no, can't apologies now...I will get my revenge on you (Y/N), so you better watch out"

Leo then returned to the bathroom and you stopped were kind of scared...what would he do to get revenge???

The next few days went by and nothing happened, this worried you. You were a prankster so you know what Bones would be thinking...he was currently trying to put you in false security that he had for gotten about what you did so you'll think he won't do anything but then one day...BAM!!!...he gets his revenge.

When you walked through the halls of the enterprise you looked around for possible pranks, you studied anyone who you came across and quizzed yourself if they could be Bones's helper. For weeks you were constantly looking over your shoulder, Leo still hadn't pranked you and you were now terrified...why was he taking so long, was he trying to freak you out or was his revenge that horrible that he was still preparing it.

After two months of freaking out you decided to go confront Bones, this was starting to get ridiculous. You were losing sleep and falling behind on work just because you were scared of how your boyfriend would seek revenge, this had to stop and it had to stop, today. You stormed into the Medbay and right in front of Leo.

"Hey (Y/N)"

"Why are you doing this to me?!"

"Doing wha...darlin' what are you talking about???"

"Your revenge...why is it taking so long??? Leo it's freaking me out...I can't take it anymore...I swear I'll never prank you again, ever...just stop the torture already."

"What you mean for when you dye thing???"

" said you'd seek revenge"

"Oh darlin' I'm so sorry...I wasn't being serious...I just said that in the heat of the moment...have you really been worrying for this long???"

You nodded your head and a tear formed in your eye...Leo saw how upset you were and pulled you into a hug. You hugged him back and then you head something being cut. You pulled away from Bones to see him holding a pair of scissors in one hand and a piece of your hair in the other. The whole medbay crew looked in shock at what the CMO had just done meanwhile, you were furious.

"Did you just cut my hair???"


"Oh...your gonna pay for that"

"Hey, come on...we are even made me look silly for ages now I'm returning the favour darlin'..."

"So I dye you green...and you think it's okay to CUT SOME OF MY HAIR OFF???"

"Woah darlin' calm down"

"Oh don't tell me to calm down...I'm gonna get you for this Bones"

"(Y/N) I was was just a hair extension thing...chill"


You ended up chasing Leo around the enterprise...he was gonna pay for doing that to you, you honestly thought he'd cut your hair. As you chased Leo, you came across the bridge...maybe the Captain would be able to help you get pay back, I'm sure Jim wouldn't object to that.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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