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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 24k reads on this book ❤️❤️❤️)


James Tiberius Kirk...the womaniser of space, also known as my best friends boyfriend...much to my dismay I must get along with the fuckboy for the sake of (Y/BF/N). I had warned them about Kirk but did they listen??? No, so now I have to support the relationship and just hope she doesn't get hurt by him.

Currently I am at dinner with (Y/BF/N) and Kirk, I didn't want to be here but (Y/BF/N) forced me to, apparently I ain't social enough or whatever...but anyway, now I'm stuck sitting beside my best friends boyfriend and have to watch them being all loved up and disgusting...

"I'm going to go to the bathroom...please be nice while I'm gone..."


"Sure thing babe..."

(Y/BF/N) left and me and Kirk where left there awkwardly sitting next to one another...

"(Y/N), why do you hate me baby???"



"Your dating my best friend...when was it acceptable to call me baby???"

"Well your hot...I'm hot...I thought we know..."

"Your unbelievable...does she mean that little to you???"

"(Y/BF/N)'s ok...but're"

"I'm back!!! So what you guys talk about???"

"Oh nothing much...I was just telling (Y/N) how lovely her dress was..."

"I'm glad you guys are finally getting along..."

From that point on I tried to ignore Kirk as much as possible but it turned out that he couldn't ignore me...during a conversation I felt a hand on my thigh...I looked at Kirk and he was acting as if nothing was going on...I took his hand off my thigh but it returned almost instantly only this time it climbed higher, and higher...I felt my breath hitch and Kirk was simply continued the conversation meanwhile his hand was becoming to high for my comfort, I quickly moved his hand and stood up and ran to the restroom. Once I reached the restroom and stared at myself in the mirror, I was blushing more than i think I ever have and my breathing was Jim could just casually touch up his girlfriends friend will forever confuse me...I turned on the tap and proceeded to splash cold water onto my face to try and calm myself down, as I did, I heard the restroom door open. 

I thought nothing of it, whoever had come in was surely not going to bother me...but I was wrong...I felt two strong arm wrap around my waist and a body pressed up against my back...I involuntary let out a small moan from the contact.



"We can't..."

"Why not???"


"Forget about her...I want you..."

"We can't..."

"Just let me love you (Y/N) won't regret it..."



Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now