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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


You are currently in mebday and are about to give birth to your baby, your older brother Scotty is here to hold your hand and comfort you, while your husband Pavel is talking to you over your communicator. Your baby is two weeks early and at the moment Pavel is part of a team on a M-Class planet trying learn about the resident alien tribe that inhabits the planet, unfortunately the aliens didn't like the idea of being studied and had taken the team prisoner, along with Pavel, they had destroyed all the phasers but luckily Pavel managed to keep hold of his communicator. Scotty tried to beam them up but the cell they are being held in keeps repelling the signal. Another landing party is being prepped to go rescue the team but until then you'll just have to make do with hearing Pavel's his voice.

After draining all the energy you had you hear a baby crying Scotty hugs you while you hear Pavel crying. Bones hands you your baby and tells you it's a boy. Scotty starts crying and mumbling something that vaguely sounds like "I'm an uncle" while Pavel is crying and won't stop repeating "it's a boy...I have a son". Both your brother and your husband eventually calm down and stop crying, you can't help but laugh at the fact they both got adorably more emotional than you did.

"What are ye gonna call him lass???"

"I'm not sure yet...Pavel what are we gonna call him, we hadn't planned names yet."

"You can call him vhatewer you zhink zuitz him."

You look down at your baby boy, the name then came to you, the perfect name for your son.

"Anton...Anton Chekov...what do you think???"

"Itz beautiful (Y/N)."

You could tell that he was crying again, you smiled at Pavel's approval. A nurse came and took Anton away to be cleaned up. You had to end your call with Pavel as the rescue mission was now underway. Scotty sat on the edge of your bed and once again held your hand, to take your mind off the rescue Scotty started to talk about your childhood, you both remembered when you dad had taken you both ice skating and how Scotty couldn't stand up for more that two seconds before he fell over. Scott then reminded you of when you had asked a boy out and when he rejected you, Scotty beat him up to make you feel better but ended up coming back worse than the other guy. Before long you were both in a fit of laughter, the nurse the returned with Anton sleeping in a crib. They placed the crib right beside your bed and you looked down at him. He was so cute.

After a few hours Bones had came in and told Scotty you needed to sleep, Scotty hugged you then kissed your head, he then leaned down and kissed Anton's head before leaving

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After a few hours Bones had came in and told Scotty you needed to sleep, Scotty hugged you then kissed your head, he then leaned down and kissed Anton's head before leaving. You asked Bones if there had been any news on the rescue mission and he told you that they hadn't heard from anyone in the past few hours, he then left. Instead of panicking your told yourself, no news is good news, this wasn't much comfort but it put you mind at rest for a bit. You took one last look at you son before you started to drift off to sleep.

The next morning you were woken up to the sound of shouting, you sat up and looked into Anton's crib, he was starting to stir in his sleep. You quickly picked him up before he woke up and started to cry. He opened his eyes and just stared at you, looking at him properly, you were reminded so much of Pavel, this upset you a bit but you stayed strong for Anton. You could hear the shouting continue so, still holding Anton, you left your room and walked into the main part of the medical bay, you looked around and saw four nurses trying to restrain a patient while Bones was trying to give the person a hypo, the patient and Bones seemed to be the reason behind the shouting. You walked closer to Bones, just as you reached the doctor he had managed to give the patient the hypo, the shouting stopped and then you heard a familiar voice.

"Vhere iz (Y/N), I need to zee her..."


Bones turned around to face you and then moved aside, you looked at your husband all battered and bruised, you could feel tears in your eyes, it broke your heart to see him like this. Pavel tried to sit up but failed, Bones then helped him and you walked closer to him.

"Iz zhat Anton???"

You had almost forgot you'd been holding him the whole time, you nodded then handed your baby to his dad. The tears started falling as you witnessed the scene infront of you. You sat on the edge of Pavel's bed while you watched him study his son.

"Hey zhere...I'm your dad...I'm zorry I vaznt there vhen you vere born...haft you been good vor mummy vhile I've been avay???"

Anton just gurgled in response and you couldn't help but giggle at the mini conversation the two were having. Pavel then looked up at you and held an arm out for you, you leaned closer to him and hugged him. You were so happy that you family was together again. You knew you couldn't have raised Anton on your own, yes you would of had Scotty there to help but you felt that you wouldn't be able to cope knowing that Pavel never saw his son. It was a relief to know he had and that he wasn't going to ever leave you or Anton. You leaned up and kissed Pavel.

"I love you Pavel..."

"I lowve you too...and I lowve zhiz little guy too."

You both looked down at Anton, he had defiantly brought you and Pavel closer, this was just the beginning of your wonderful family.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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