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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 20k reads on this book ❤️❤️❤️ also Good News!!! I have now finish all my exams and have left secondary school, next stop College, but until then I'll have a bit more time for requests so if I haven't done your request yet, it would be helpful if you could resend them to me, I'm gonna look through my previous imagines and hopefully I don't miss any out but if I do let me know cause I don't mean to, now enough from me, to the imagine!!!)


When I was born the doctors noticed I wasn't developing properly, after a lot of testing, they came to the conclusion I had inherited a disease that was incurable. The doctors told my parents that it was uncertain how long I would live, I was a ticking time bomb, that could go of at anytime. For every birthday I reached everyone would say I was lucky but there was one problem, I didn't feel lucky. There was no certainty that I'd reach my next birthday and I was sick of living in fear of that idea, so I stopped fearing it. If I was going to die, then so be it. There was nothing I could do to stop it, so I just needed to let it happen and try and do everything I wanted to do in my life.

I wrote a list, of all the things I wanted to do before I died:

1. Go to a nightclub
2. Meet someone
3. Get married
4. Die surrounded by my loved ones

It wasn't a big list but then again I wanted to make my goals reachable, so I kept it simple. I started off by going to a nightclub, and it was amazing. I had an amazing time, so amazing in fact that not only was No.1 ticked off, but No.2 was ticked off as well. At the club, I was getting another drink when someone bumped into me, I turned around and found myself face-to-face with a handsome gentleman. We got to talking and we really hit it off.

A few years later, I was still with the guy from the club but this time we were engaged. His name is Jim Kirk. He's the Captain for a Starship called the Enterprise. When I told him about my illness, he became very protective, to the point he was doing anything he could to try and find a cure, obviously, it was no use.

For my 26th birthday, I found myself in a hospital bed connected to a hold load of machines, I had caught a cold and because my immune system was so weak I had to be monitored. I was fine being here, it didn't bother me that I was ill, I'd been ill my whole life, the one that took it the hardest was Jim. He knew how sensitive my immune system was and so blamed himself for the fact I had gotten even sicker, he was desperate for his friend, Bones, to come up with something to make me better but nothing worked and it was driving him into the ground and I couldn't bare to watch it. I was sick of putting him through this pain.


"Yeah Baby..."


"Okay, Bones why don't you come back later then we'll try something else"


"What do you mean???"

"Jim,'s my time to go...I have to go now"

"No...No, you'll be fine, Bones will find the cure and you'll be fine"

"Jim, I won't get any better...please just let me go..."

"I can't...I need you...I love you"

"I love you too...the last few years have been the best of my life, and that was down to you...I don't want to leave you but I have to...I know it'll be hard, but you need to be brace, for me complete No.4 on my list..."

"What about No.3..."

"I don't need a piece of paper to know you love me and I love you...just you being here with me is I have to go now okay???"


"I love you Jim..."

"I love you too (Y/N)..."

I took hold of Jim's hand and closed my eyes, slowly I drifted away till I was gone...

*Bone's POV*

I checked her pulse...she was gone...I didn't know what to do. I watched as Jim broke down into tears as he held her lifeless body.

*Jim's POV*

She was my whole life...the only thing that comforted me was the fact, she was finally at peace...she wasn't scared, she was my brave gorgeous girl and I'm so proud of her.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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