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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @MistyGirl729 :Hi! Can I make another request? Okay. Can you do a Jim x reader one where the reader is Pavel's older sister, and the reader has feelings for Jim, but is too scared to, until Pavel decides to play matchmaker? Please? Thank you!
Also, I love your works. They are amazing! Keep it up! <3

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"Why won't he notice me!!!"

"Maybe if you vent and talked to him he'd notize you..."

"But I can't..."

"Vhy not???"

"Cause he's Jim Kirk!!! and I'm...well I'm me..."

"Vell if you aren't going to say zomezhing to him...vhy are you sulking???"

"You wouldn't understand..."

"Apparently not..."

"Listen, I've got to get back to work but I'll see you later right???"

"Like alvays...zee you zen"

*Chekov's POV*

I find it hard to watch my sister fade into this spiral of disbelief...I don't see what she's afraid I mean she's beautiful, everyone can see that, even the Captain can probably but she's to shy to ever talk to him to find out...but maybe, just maybe, I could help her out with that...

"Keptin Kirk...could I haff a moment of your time..."

"Sure thing Mr Chekov...what can I do for you???"

"Vell zir, az I'm zure your avare, my zizter, (Y/N) vorkz in engineering..."

"Ah yes, I don't think I've properly introduced myself to your sister, but I have to say I've definitely been meaning to..."

"You vant to meet her???"

"Who wouldn't, have you seen her??? She's just so s..."

"...zo, related to me..."

"Oh, sorry...anyway, I was hoping you could maybe set us don't have to if that makes you uncomfortable, she is your sister after al..."

"How about tonight??? I can zet you two up vor a date if your vree???"

"Woah, okay, sure...thanks Mr Chekov..."

"No problem ready vor 7pm..."

"Sure thing..."


There will be a part 2 with the will you react to your little brother playing matchmaker??? Keep an eye out 😊😊😊. Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now