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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


The  Captain had spilt some coffee on the bridge, and so i was sent to get something to clean up the mess. I decided to go to the supply closet and see what was there. I got to the closet and went to open the door but it appeared to be stuck, I used all my force to push the door and eventually it opened, I walked in and as I did I got the fright of my life when I became face to face with none other than Pavel.

"Don't let go of ze door!!!"

But it was to late, when I jumped after seeing him, I'd let go of the door as I covered my mouth to stop from screaming...

"What?! Why?!"

"Ze handle broke off ze door at zhiz zide..."

" now we're trapped in here???"


"And I'm guessing that since your sitting in here, you forgot your communicator..."

"Yez...pleaze tell me zhat you've got yourz..."

"Well I wasn't really planning on getting stuck in a cupboard, so I felt it at my station..."

"Vhat are ve going to do?!"

"We're just gonna have to wait...and hope to god that someone finds us..."

And so, we sat there in silence...this should be a dream come true, I mean who wouldn't want to be trapped in a cupboard with their boyfriend...but I didn't feel very excited about the was the opposite of romantic and not to mention the fact that neither of us get a rush from the fact we might not get out of here for a while...

A few hours past, and no-one had come looking for started to get really cold, so I ended up crawling over to Pavel and cuddling into him, now normally, we aren't the very touchy-feely type of couple but today was an acceptation since we were the only two heat sources in this god awful place...



"W...what if no-one f...finds us..."

"Don't w...worry, zomevone vill vind"

"But what i...if they don't, what if w...we..."

"Z...ztop being'll be vine..."

"I you..."

"I l...lowve you t...too..."


There will be a Part 2. Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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