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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Requests maybe a bit slow as I have exams to prepare and sorry if it takes me a while to fulfil any requests ❤️❤️❤️)



"Yes darlin'???"

"I'm bored..."

"Well what do you want to do to be not bored???"

"Let's play a game"

"What game???"

"How about truth or dare"

" go first"

"Ok...truth or dare"


"I dare you to mess the Jim's hair up"

"I can't do that..."

"Well if your not brave enough..."

"Now what a minute darlin'..."

You walked with Bones to the bridge and stood by the door while Leo walked behind Kirk in his chair, he hesitated for a moment before he ruffled up Jim's hair. Jim instantly jumped up and turned around, Bones bolted out of the door and you ran after him while laughing at what you just saw, you could hear Jim shouting from behind you so you grabbed Leo's arm and dragged him into the supply closet, you listened as footsteps ran past the door. Leo looked terrified at what he had just done but you found it so adorable when he got nervous.

"Well done Bones...I didn't think you'd go through with it"

"Why do I get the feeling that Jim will plot rewenge on me"

"Don't worry, I won't let him do anything to you, and besides, your have hypos do you not???...your turn"

"Truth or dare"


"I dare you to...slap Spock in the face"

"You want me to do what?!"

"You made Jim want to hunt me down so this is pay back"

"Fine...but if Spock kills me, I'm gonna kill you"

You exited the closet being cautious in case the captain was about before you headed back to the bridge...when you got there you looked around and found Spock at his station, he was talking to Uhura. You pulled yourself together before walking up to Spock and when he turned to see what you wanted you did slapped him right across the face.

"Would you care to explain why you have commuted such an unlikely act?!"

"I am so sorry"

Before he said something else you ran away from him. At the door you found Bones in tears of laughter, you grabbed his hand and dragged him away from the probably furious Spock.

For the next few hours you and Leo continued the game, after many dares the two of you retreated to Leo's quarters and continued with just truths, since the rest of the crew probably were on a man hunt for you both since you had bugged almost ever member of the crew.

"Why did you agree to go out vith me???"

"Because your cute, adorable, smart, funny and I love you to many girlfriends have you had before me???"

"Uhhh...well...your actually only gone out with two people...including you"

"Aww, Leo..."

You sat down on Leo's lap and hugged him. He hugged you back and you enjoyed this moment together.



"If I asked you to marry me...what would you say???"


"Well then..."

Bones then reached into his pocket and took out a ring.

"Should we make that official???"

"Oh my god...yes!!!"

Leo slide the ring onto your finger and you couldn't help but stare at how pretty it was. You could feel tears of joy in your eyes, you put your arms around Leo's neck and placed your lips of his. He wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you close to his chest. You deepened the kiss before separating for a moment.



"I love you, so much"

"I love you too"

You went back to kissing which led to a little engagement celebration 😉😉😉.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now