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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!




"Can I talk to you for a minute..."

"Sure...what's up???"

"Well, I've been talking to this guy online..."

"Ooohhh...look at you with the online dating..."

"Shh...I don't want people to know..."

"Why not???"

"Cause it's embarrassing..."

"How'd you work that one out???"

"Cause people will think I'm a loser who can't find a date in person..."

"That's not what people will think...stop putting yourself down like that all the time..."

"Whatever...anyway, so this guy started talking to me and we seem to get on really well...we have so much in common and I feel like I'm really connecting with him..."

" why do you need to talk to me??? It sounds like you've got everything under control..."

"Well...I did...but now he wants to meet person...tonight"

" little (Y/N)'s growing up..."

"Uhura...what do I do?! What do I wear?! What if he doesn't like me?! Help me!!!"

"Calm down...I'll help you, just stop freaking, lets go to your room and pick out a gorgeous outfit..."

"Your the best Uhura..."

"I know..."

Back in my room, Uhura and I ransacked my wardrobe looking for something decent to wear...after a while I felt like it was a lost cause...but then something caught my eye...

The perfect dress for the meet up

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The perfect dress for the meet up...I put it on, and Uhura got to work on my hair and makeup, we went with a natural vibe and before I knew it, i was ready...

I hugged Uhura before heading to the location, the closer I got to my destination, the more nervous I became...what if I was a disappointment...what if he doesn't like was all running through my head...but then I turned the corner and was met by the last person I expected, the Captain...

"Captain Kirk?! What are you doing here???"

"Well...I'm waiting on an amazing girl...and I'm guessing she just arrived..."

"This cannot be happening right now..."

"Is something wrong???"

"Nothings wrong...that's the problem...I mean come on...your Jim freaking are you meeting up with me of all people?! Something must be wrong cause this isn't ri..."

Before I could finish speaking, Jim's mouth was on mine, engaging me in a passionate kiss to which I happily we kissed, all my fears of him not liking me melted if nothing else mattered but me and Jim, it was a magical moment...which eventually came to an end...

"(Y/N)...I hoped that helped you realise that I like you...and that there's been no mistake in us meeting up..."

"It's definitely, cleared that up..."


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now