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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for I've 34k reads on this book❤️❤️❤️)


You were a few weeks pregnant with Pavel's baby but you would think that you were about to have you baby's any minute with the way Pavel had been treating you. He was constantly checking up on you, asking if you needed anything...he even tried to get you to stop working...all this was sweet, and you knew he was only doing it because he cared but you still had 8 months to go until the baby was here and if he was going to act like that the whole were worried that the two of you may fall out.

Sure enough, for the next few months, Pavel had successfully convinced you to go off work, which meant you spent most of your days being bored with nothing to keep you occupied which meant that every time Pavel came to check up on you, you got more and more annoyed at him, which only made you more upset because you loved him and you didn't want to be annoyed at him because he was only trying to help you.

By the time it was your due date you were released, to say the least. It took most of your energy but eventually you and Pavel got to meet you little baby girl James (A/N: James can be a girl's name too)...when picking a name, you and Chekov tried to avoid the captains name because you didn't want give him bragging rights but unfortunately your love for the name took over and so here was James (Y/N) Chekov:

when picking a name, you and Chekov tried to avoid the captains name because you didn't want give him bragging rights but unfortunately your love for the name took over and so here was James (Y/N) Chekov:

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After seeing James's little face, all your stresses disappeared. You weren't annoyed at Pavel anymore and you'd long forgotten what he'd done to annoy you in the first place because now, the two of you had a little angel to look after, now, your family was finally complete.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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