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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @Unwanted-Flower :can you do a bones x reader where the reader has a cancer that's new and doesn't tell anyone but becomes pregnant with bones child, there married, and she finnaly amits it???

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


" two are having a baby..."

"Darlin' can you believe it...we're gonna be parents"

I could believe it...because I already knew. I'd known for the last week or so because I'd already been to the doctor to get other news...bad news....I had cancer...and it was to far on to cure...i was gonna die...

I hadn't told Leo about my condition because I still needed to come to terms with what was happening before I told him but everything around me was going to fast and I couldn't keep up with it all. This morning in had been sick and Leo had noticed...he took me to the Medway and they had run Leo knew I was pregnant. I was going to tell him on my own but my body beat me to I needed to find the right moment to tell him, but now isn't the right time...not when he's so happy.

As the months went by, the baby grew but I got weaker...the cancer was getting worse and I still hadn't told Leo...but I knew I had to, before it was to late...

"Leo...can I talk to you a minute..."

"Sure darlin'...what's up"

"Leo...uhh...I have cancer..."


"Leo, I don't have a lot of's getting worse everyd..."



"No...your not leaving sickness and in health, remember..."

"I remember..."

"So that means your not giving in my watch...we'll fight this (Y/N)...together..."


"No...your gonna be ok...your gonna meet our baby and your gonna watch our kid grow'll be fine...I promise"

*timeskip brought to you by cupcake*

"'s a girl..."

I took my little girl into my arm and held her with all the strength I had left in me...

"Well done darlin' did great..."

"Leo, what are we gonna call her???"

"What about...Hope..."

"I love it..."

Hope (Y/N) McCoy...she was my first baby...but she wouldn't be my last, if everything went well. You see, after telling Leo about my cancer, he did everything he could to find some form of was hard work but we found something that appeared to be working, I got stronger as each day went passed. I just hoped that it would continuing working so I could see my little girl grow up and so I could spend the rest of my life with Leo and family...


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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