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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


When you were very young, your parents were in a car accident while on their way to pick you up from was hard, to know that morning when you said goodbye to your mummy and daddy, that was the last time you'd ever speak to them. Being an orphan was horrible, everyone else had a family who loved them and you had no-one, well...that was until your best friend, (Y/F/N), came up with a plan, her family would adopt you...and sure enough, they did. Your best friend became your sister and life was starting to get better again.

You and (Y/F/N) were close as friends but as sisters, you became even closer. You did everything together...auditioned in school plays, tried out for sports even both applied for Starfleet academy to become doctors on a starship, and that's exactly what you both did. You were both assigned to the enterprise and life was perfect, but not for long...

While on the enterprise, both you and (Y/F/N) had both developed a crush on a certain adorable Russian, Chekov. Whenever you were in the same room as him you couldn't help but stare at him. You were the type of person who admired from a distance, you never had the courage to talk to were just to shy. (Y/F/N) on the other hand was more outgoing...she spoke her mind and most of the time, she got exactly what she wanted. (Y/F/N) always got the best boyfriends meanwhile you were always left to be alone...well not this time, this time you were determined to get the guy. Your plan was working, you managed to be able to talk to Chekov without making a fool of yourself, you felt you were really getting to know him as a person rather than the wiz-kid everyone talked about. However, one day at work, your heart broke in two..

Chekov had come to the medbay, when he met your eyes he headed you way but he never made it...your sister walked infront of him and simply pressed her lips on his...she'd done it, AGAIN!!! She had beaten you to could feel tears in your eyes, you were hurt, hurt that (Y/F/N) would do that to you...but then again, you've never actually told her who you crush I couldn't really feel that angry towards her, but that didn't help with the heartache...

You ended up running out of the medbay and headed straight to your needed to compose yourself, it wasn't the end of the world, it was just a of the hottest guy of the big de...okay maybe getting over my crush would take longer than five minutes. After getting tired of running, you slowed to a walk, but instantly regretted it when you heard someone run up behind you.

"Hey sis...wait up...what's wrong"

"Nothing, leave me alone..."

"(Y/N), have you been crying??? What's wrong??? Please tell me...maybe I can help you..."

"Why are you always better at life than I am..."


"You, your so much better at everything than me...your smarter than me...your prettier than me...every guy fawns over you...meanwhile I'm always in your shadow, where no-one notices me..."

"What's brought this on??? (Y/N), your smart, beautiful and any guy would be lucky to have're your own person, I admire that about you..."

"But I just want someone to notice love me..."

"Is this about Chekov???"

"W...w...what??? No...why would you think that???"

"It is, isn't it...oh (Y/N), why didn't you tell me you had a crush on him...I would of helped you go out with him"

"It wouldn't have made a difference...he obviously likes you, not me"

"Well maybe if you hadn't of ran out, you would have noticed him push me away...he was never interested in me sis..."

"He wasn't???"

"No, he just friend zone me like 5 minutes ago..."


"Yeah, why don't we go back to work and maybe if he's there you can ask him on a date"

"I can't do that...he probably doesn't like me back..."

"Well, there's only one way to find out"

You headed back to the medbay and luckily, Chekov was still there...(Y/F/N) pushed you in his direction and you got the hint to go talk to him, but when you made it over to him, something you didn't expect happened.

"Ah (Y/N)...your back, I juzt came to azk you if maybe you vanted to go on a date vith me tonight"

"Y..,you want to go on a with me???"

"Vhy vouldn't I??? Your amazing...zo, vhat do you zay??? Are ve going on zhat date???"

"Oh my gosh, yes, of course..."

You got a little over excited and hugged Chekov but he just laughed and hugged you back, when you broke apart, you ended up staring into each other's eyes and before you know it, you lips are on Pavel's experiencing one of the most amazing kisses never wanted it to end...unfortunately it did though. Pavel just stared into your eyes, kissed you cheek before leaving.

"I'll zee you at zewen???"


On the outside, you tried to appear calm, but on the inside you were screaming with joy. After Pavel had left, (Y/F/N) ran over to you and hugged you tight, the two of you ended up jumping around in happiness before Bones grumpily told you to get back to work...for the rest of the day you could help but feel so happy...tonight you were going on the date you had always dreamed of...and you couldn't wait.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now