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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @cynthianad :Can you write about Khan take over Marcus's ship and reader stuck there. He make her his personal maid. He always nag about her short figure and one day, ask her to mix their DNA for future generation (ask to you know what). Which is she always decline. Can you please make into Khan's pov? Thank you.

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


*Khan's POV*

I may have been unsuccessful in taking possession of my crew but at least I did not leave empty handed. I have come out on top with one of the most advanced ships starfleet has ever been able to produce as well as a servant to make sure my ship is kept in pristine condition.

The maids name is (Y/N)...she is an earth girl, originally a nurse aboard the USS Enterprise, now however, she is my personal slave...her to do whatever I command her to do. Thankfully I managed to capture her without anyone really noticing, she wasn't a valuable member of the crew so by the time the incompetent humans noticed her absence my ship will have warped far enough that they can not possibly catch up and save her. It's better that she's with me anyway...she's a lot more useful.

"(Y/N)...come here..."


"Now that is no way to talk to your captain..."

"Your not my captain...your just a criminal..."

"Let's not have this recurring argument I have much more pressing matters to discuss with you..."

"And what would that be???"

"As you are well aware my crew are in the possession of the federation...without them, my race is almost extinct"

"So...what do you want me to do about it???"

"I require your assistance in continuing my race..."

"Come again???"

"I need you to bare my children..."

"Forget it..."

"You will comply or else..."

"...or else what??? You'll kill me??? If so, can you do it already..."

"I shall not be killing you...but be warned, you will help me save my species...I'll make sure of that..."

"In your dreams superman..."

I shall have her as the mother of my race shall rule again, even if it is the last thing I do. I realise it may seem strange to use my maid as a breeder however, I have done my research, she is of the finest health and I must admit that I do feel some form of attraction to her, even though she is of the human species...I shall not give up on this...she will be mine.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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