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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @FanNessa143 :Kirk is REALLY protective of (Y/N). (Y/N) wonders why. They never had a real conversation or interaction before. When a a mishap happens (Y/N) saves kirk's life. Kirk explains why he is so protective. (Cuz ya know he loves her, but don't have him ask  her/him to be his girlfriend)

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"(Y/N) watch out!!!"

I turned to the voice only to see a pipe about to fall on me, from shock, I found myself unable to move...I used my arms to protect my head as I braced for impact but it never came, I lowered my arms to see none other than the Captain holding the pipe up. He slowly set it down before turning to me...

"Are you ok?!"

"Yes sir, I am alright...thank you"

He simply smiled before walking towards an engineer that I'm guessing was responsible for the pipe falling as Captain Kirk just started screaming at him...I don't know why but the Captain always seemed to be like this around me...something would happen or would be about to happen and he'd be there...the person responsible would be shouted at and the disappear from the ship...I never understood why the Captain treated me this way...I'd never had a chance to properly talk to him yet, he was so protective over me...maybe one day I'd figure it out, but for now, it would remain a mystery...

*beep* *beep* *beep*

My comm had gone off so I quickly answered.


"'re needed doon in the transport're gan on a wee adventure wi' the Captain and Bones..."

"Sure thing Scotty...I'm on my way..."

I walked silently to the transport room, wondering what my adventure would be today...who would I meet??? What would I encounter??? Soon I was face to face with the Captain and the one and only Bones...the three of us got ready to beam to the planet below...the light swirled around and while one scenery faded, another came into view...we were surrounded by trees, trees and believe it or not, more trees...the three of us stood looking around when the Captain began to speak...

"I think we should split'll be quicker...Bones you go that way, (Y/N) you and I will go this way..."

"Excuse me sir...but why exactly must I go with you??? Do you think I am incapable of going alone???"

"Oh no...I just felt that it would be better for you to come with real reason..."

Before I could argue, Bones had already gone and the Captain had began to walk...I defiantly follow annoyed me when this happened, people thinking I am weak and unable to do things myself, I am just as capable as the Captain or Bones to search the planet...I was so engrossed in my thought but was suddenly brought back to reality when I heard the Captain let out a scream filled with pain...I looked up at him to find him on the ground trapped beneath a tree which had fallen...

"Oh my...sir!!!"

I ran to his side and while he was still conscious, I could tell he was in agony.



"There's no time...I have to get this off you..."

"It's too heavy for you to..."

"Don't even think about finishing that sentence Jim Kirk...I am just as able to lift this as you, just'll be okay, I promise"

I took hold of the log and instantly feared that I wouldn't be able to lift it...but I had to, if I didn't, Kirk could die...and as much as his actions confused me, he was always there to save me so the least I could do was return the favour...I found all the strength within me and tried to lift the the tree, the Captain let out a blood curdling scream but I was unsuccessful in my attempt...I could feel myself beginning to panic but I had to stay calm, for kirks sake...

I decided to take a second attempt and after gathering myself once again, I used all my might to lift the tree just enough for Kirk to clear it...I dropped to log to the ground and instantly collapse myself...Jim sat panting across from my panting self...

"Thank you (Y/N) saved me..."

"It's my job sir...I'm just glad you're alright..."

"How can I ever repay you???"

"Well...there is on thing you could do for me..."

"Name it..."

"Tell me...why do you always protect me...anything happens, you're their to save me...why???"

"*inaudible mumbling*"

"Excuse me???"

"I said I love you..."

"Oh...uh...I don't know what to say..."

"Tell me how you feel???"

"Well...I uh...I love you too..."

"I'm glad to finally hear you say that..."

"Well then...umm...let's get you back to the'll need to get checked..."

I helped Kirk stand and with my support, together we walked back to find Bones before being beamed back to the Enterprise...Kirk was instantly taken to the medbay while I thought about what he said...all those times he'd protected me, even though we barely knew each was out of love that he was always by my side and I never even realised it...


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now