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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 27k reads on this book, it means a lot to me ❤️❤️❤️)





*still silence*




"Zeriouzly (Y/N)???"


"I vill newver underztand ze vay your brain operatez..."

"But I thought you were my boyfriend so, shouldn't you know???"

"Wery funny..."

"Why thank you...I thought of that one myself..."

"Your really annoying zometimez..."

"But you love me for it..."

"That'z debatable"


"Vhat?! It'z true..."

"Your mean sometimes, you know that???"

"Vhy zhank you...I zhought of zhat vone myzelf..."

"That's my line..."

"Not anymore princezz..."

"I hate you sometimes..."

"And I lowve you too..."

"I think you'll find I said hate you not love you..."

"You juzt zaid lowve you right now..."

"Stop twisting my words"

"Ztop making zhem zo eazy to tvizt zhen"

"That doesn't even make sense..."

"Doezn't  need to vhere lowvez concerned...I zhought you'd know zhat by now..."

"And how would I know that???"

"From all ze annoying random ztuff you've done to me 'outta lowve"

"Oh yeah??? Like what???"

"Hmm let me zhink...'Pasha'...'Pasha!!!' ringing a bell???"

"Don't mock me Chekov"

"Oh zo now I'm Chekov am I???"


"Aww come on you can't be mad at me...I lowve you..."


"Aww come on...I lowve you..."

*still silence*

"I lowve you!!!"

"FINE!!!...I love you too..."

"Zhere ve go...wazn't zo hard now vaz it???"

"Shut up"

"Fine zhen...just meanz I can do zhiz..."


I found Pavel's lips press against mine in a passionate kiss.

"I lowve you (Y/N)..."

"I love you too Pasha"


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now