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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


You were tidying your closet when you felt something fall off a shelf and hit you on the head, your hand instantly went to the part of your head and you rubbed it...that really hurt. You looked behind you to see what had caused your discomfort, it was an old game your grandad had given you...Jenga. No wonder it hurt when it fell, it was a box of wood. You picked up the game and remembered all the fun times you had as a child when you went to your grandads house and together you played Jenga till your mum picked you up to take you home but you never wanted to leave, you were having to much fun.

When your grandad died, he left you the game so you could remember him on the days you missed him most. You decided to play the game since it had sat in that closet since you boarded the enterprise, over 3 years ago. You didn't want to play it yourself, since that was pointless and not very fun so you thought bout who could play it with you. You thought of all your wanted someone who loves games and would appreciate this classic the way you did, only one person came to mind, your boyfriend of 9 months Jim, he'd love this just knew it.

You exited your quarter with the game and walked down the halls, a few other crew members walked passed you and looked either confused or sometimes disgusted at the game in your hands but you didn't care, this was the game your grandad had bought as a young boy and shared with you, you loved it and you didn't care what everyone else thought of it. You reached Jim's door and knocked. You could hear movement from the other side of the door and then it opened to reveal your adorable Jim.

"(Y/N), what a pleasant surprise...come in"

You walked in and Jim shut the door behind you. He then pulled you into a big hug, you would of hugged back but he'd pinned your arms to your sides.

"I have mizzed you so much"

"I missed you too...Jim, losing feeling in arms here"


He stopped hugging you and stepped back, you then stepped forward and kissed his lips.

"It's okay...anyway, I was cleaning my room when I came across this *holds up Jenga*, it belonged to my grandad, I was wondering if you'd want to play it with me???"

"I would love to"

And so you set up the game on the table and the two of you began to play, it got very intense, you won the first two games before Jim won one, then another before you defeated him had forgotten how competitive you both get. When it got to almost midnight, the two of you decided to have one final game before calling it quits, so far you were both on 3 games each, this was the deciding match...

*you take a block from bottom, tower wobbles slightly*

"Why wont it just fall already..."

"Because it likes me to much...your go"

*Jim takes block from middle, tower stands still*

"Aww come on..."

"It seems to like me too"

*you take block from middle, tower wobbles a lot but doesn't fall*

"This is intense..."

"Your telling me..."

*Jim takes block from bottom, tower appears to almost fall but somehow recovers*

"How is that even possible?!"

"It's Captains luck..."


*you take block from middle, tower doesn't move*

"Ha! Top that perfect hair"

You then spoke to soon, you watched helplessly as the tower slowly toppled over.


"Take that!!! I win"


"Aww...come here (Y/N)"

Jim then pulled you to sit on his lap and hugged you. You bury your head into him, he was comfy, you felt yourself yawn.

"I should probably head to my room...I'm sleepy"

"Why don't you just stay here...with me"


Luckily, you had left some pyjamas in Jim's room from the last time you stayed here so the two of you got changed before climbing into bed. You cuddled into Jim and the two of you lay there.

"I love you (Y/N)...even though you lost"

"I love you too...Your not going to let that go, are you???"


You simply signed before Jim kissed the top of your head and the two of you drifted into sleep...there was defiantly going to be a rematch...and you will win.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now