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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. those of you who have made requests don't worry, I have noticed them even though I haven't had time to reply to them and just wanted to let you know they will be up within the next few day 😊😊😊)


I've always been proud of my dad, he worked for Starfleet and a few years ago when there was a crisis to the federation, my dad helped save the day, now everyone knows who he is and in turn, everyone knows who I wouldn't be so bad, if everyone just acted normal around me but you see everyone who meets me is fake. all they are interested in is meeting my dad and getting the chance to meet a 'legend', they just use me and in the end I get hurt.

When I arrived aboard the enterprise, everyone here was the same, pretended to be my friend then when it came to the shore leave, they would ask to come to my house or to meet my family, when I tell then no, they get annoyed and tell me how much of a loser I am then ignore me till the next shore leave and then they would try their luck again. That's how its been for the past three years and to be honest, I'm getting sick of it. Just once, I want a friend who likes me because of me and not because of who my dad is.

"So (Y/N), I was thinking...maybe you could be my girlfriend"

"Leave me alone Paul"

"Come on (Y/N), don't be like that. We're obviously ment to be...both our fathers are well known within starfleet...we're made for each other"

"Well when you put it like that...No"

"Why not???"

"Well lets see...your always mean to me, you think your better than everyone else...and can you honestly tell me that your not just wanting to meet my dad so your family can look good..."

"You know what, everyone was are a loser"

"Thanks for reminding me"

Paul then stormed off with his gang of idiots closely behind him, this wasn't the first time he'd tried to convince me to go out with him and it probably wouldn't be the last but what he didn't seem to get was that I wanted someone to want to go out with me because they love me, not so they can live in my dad's fame, why was this so hard for him to understand.

"You okay (Y/N)???"

I turned around to see who was talking to me, it was Captain Kirk, I braced myself for whatever he was going to ask.

"Oh, Hello Sir..."

"Again with the formality, please call me Jim...I noticed Ensign Paul was bugging you again"

"Doesn't he always...that man really needs to learn the definition of no"

"He really I was wondering if maybe you wanted to go to get a drink with me at the bar..."

"Is this a ploy to get in my good books to one day meet my dad, cause if so Jim, I'm really not in the mood to be used today..."

"I'm not wanting to meet your dad, to be honest...I have my own dad reputation to contend with, without being concerned about yours..."

"Fair point...Well in that case, I'd love to get a drink with you"

"Great, well lets go then"

And so, I walked to the ships bar with Jim and it was an amazing night. We had some drinks and talked a lot, I had so much fun, and the best part was that not once was my dad or his fame mentioned. Jim then walked me back to  my quarters and for once I felt like I had a true friend.

"Jim, I've really enjoyed today...Thank you"

"I had fun too...maybe we could do it again sometime???"

"I'd love too"

"Great...Well I better be going now, I have some files that need to be signed for tomorrow and I still haven't done it"

"You better go then, otherwise Spock will probably kill you"

"Yeah, well I just wanted to let you know...if the whole fame thing gets too much, I'm always here to talk if you need me. I may not be as famous as you are, but I can still relate to what your going through"

"That means a lot Jim, I'll keep that in mind"

"Well I'll see you around (Y/N)"

"Yeah, see you around"

Jim then went to walk away but I stopped him. At first I wasn't sure why but then, I couldn't really stop myself as I kissed him. The kiss didn't last long but it still felt magical. I pulled away and I could feel myself going red with embarrassment.

"Jim, I really liked spending time with you, and I know this is quite sudden but...will you be my boyfriend???"

"Are you being serious???"


"Woah...I mean, yes...I'd love to go out with you...usually this is the other way around for me but I guess you beat me to it..."

"I suppose I did...Great well, I'll see you around"

"Yeah, see you around"

I kissed Jim once more before walking into my quarters, just before I shut the door, I glanced down the corridor to see him still standing there with a silly grin on his face and I couldn't help but smile at how adorable he was.


Hope you enjoyed it. 

Requests Open. 

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now