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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Kirk always told me that I was the only girl for him...well today I was going to test that theory. The Enterprise is currently being repaired on earth and so the crew has been given sometime off till the repairs are complete, so I thought that this would be the perfect opportunity for Jim to meet my family...particularly my identical twin sister.

Growing up as a twin was fun but it had its was cool to be able to swap lives with someone did hurt a bit when no one noticed that you'd switched, it especially hurt when my parents couldn't even tell us apart...I spent the majority of my life watching people's face move in confusion as they tried to figure out which twin I was but now I was hoping to find the one person who would know who I was with no hesitation. I had told Jim I had a sister but I didn't tell him she was my twin so I was hoping my experiment wouldn't backfire on me.

Me and Jim were heading into town for the day and so I had planned for my sister, Katie, to go into town and distantly follow us. The plan was that at any opportunity we got, we'd swap places and see if Jim noticed the difference, at the end of the day, is know whether he was the guy for me...I know it seemed like a bit of an unfair test but I spend most of my time with Jim so I would hoped he'd notice something different at least.

While looking in and around the shops me and Katie swapped multiple times, each time I would look at Jim and study his face, only to be disappointed at how clueless he looked, I had began to give up hope...

At the end of the day, Katie and Jim took a stroll along the beach while I stayed hidden not to far behind. Just as the sun went down I watched as Jim looked to Katie with love in his eyes...I then felt my heart break as he got down on one knee and reached into his back pocket...I tried my hardest to hold in the tears as I listened carefully to what was going to happen.

"(Y/N), I've loved you since the moment I laid eyes on you...your an incredible woman and I want to spend the rest of my life with you...will you marry me???"

I felt a tear run down my cheek as I watched my boyfriend propose to my sister...there he was looking up as he was down on one knee presenting her with most likely a gorgeous ring, I was tempted to run away and cry my eyes out but then something I didn't expect, happened...he turned away from my sister and was facing in my direction...holding the ring out to me...

"You can't fool me (Y/N)...I know this is your sister..."

"How did you know???"

"I'd know you anywhere..."

I walked over to Jim who was still on one knee...

"So what do you say??? Do you wanna be my wife???"

"Jim, I'd love to marry you..."

"I'm glad to hear it, but just promise me one thing..."

"What's that???"

"Please don't switch have no idea how confusing and weird that experience was for me..."

"Don't worry...your stuck with me now..."


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now