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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


You and Chekov had been given a week of shore leave along with the rest of the crew. Since it was the first time you would be spending your shore leave with Chekov you wanted to make it special. You had planned to go to the beach, since this shore leave was back on earth, and have a relaxing day just the two of you. While staying on earth, you and Pavel had rented a one-bedroom apartment that was only a 5 minute walk from the ocean. You woke up at 9.30, it felt great not having to wake up at 6am for work, you moved onto your side and found Pavel staring at you on the other half of the bed.

"You do realise its weird to watch people sleeping"

"I don't care, I like vatching you sleep"

"That sounds kind of creepy but are you excited for today???"

"Vhat's  happening today???"

"We are going to the beach...remember???"

"Oh yez, zo ve are"

You started to sit up but Pavel wrapped his arms around your waist and pulled you back towards him. You turned around to face him once again. He brought his lips to yours and you shared a passionate kiss, you then pulled away from the kiss and stared into Pavel's eyes.

"You know, if we want to go to the beach we have to get out of bed"

"Vhy can't ve juzt ztay here and go to zhe beach tomorrow???"

"Because tomorrow might not have such nice weather so get up and get ready"

You got up and started to get ready, you eventually heard Pavel get up and also started to get dressed, you put on a two piece swimming suit and pulled on some shorts and a t-shirt over the top, you then grabbed two beach towels from the closet before going to see if Pavel was ready to go, luckily he was, so you threw his towel at him and then laughed when it landed on his head. Pavel took his towel off his head and then took hold of your hand before the to of you headed to the beach.

On the beach you lay down on your beach towel and just sat there with Pavel beside you as you took in the view, it was a gorgeous day and the beach wasn't too busy so you didn't feel to crowded. After about half an hour of casual chat with Pavel you thought of a great idea. You stood up and the looked down at Pavel laying on the ground, you held out your hand for him to take.

"Come on"

"Vhere are ve going???"

"For a swim so get up"

Pavel got up and then took your hand, you dragged him towards the ocean, he seemed reluctant to go in but then he picked you up bridal style and threw you into the sea, you screamed out of surprise, when you re-surfaced you found Pavel in a fit of laughter. You then splashed some water in his direction which made him stop laughing and getting revenge, this led to a splashing war between the two of you. You splashed him and he tumbled backwards, you expected him to pop back up out of the water but he didn't, you swam over to where he was and started to panic, you were about go under water to try and find him when you felt something grab your leg before you then pulling you under, the thing let go of you and you swam back up only to see Pavel once again in a fit of laughter, you started to head back onto the sand when Pavel grabbed your arm.

"come on, it'z juzt a bit of fun..."

"Well I don't find it funny"

"I'm zorry"

Pavel walked over to you and hugged you, pretended to be mad at him by not hugging back but he knew what you were doing so he lifted your chin so you were looking at him before he kissed you, you couldn't help but smile into the kiss. Pavel then stopped kissing you and just held you in his arms.

"Do you vorgiwve me now???"

"I suppose..."

"I lowve it vhen you pretend to be mad"

"I was really mad"

"Zure you vere...I lowve you"

"I love you too...maybe we should head back, it's getting kind of late"

"Let'z go"

The two of you headed home, this had been the perfect day. You really enjoyed spending time with Pavel, you loved sharing moments like this with the person you love.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now