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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @VampireGirl517 :Chekov saves the reader. Chekov help her recover and marry her. Also they have a kid together.

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"Everyone return to base now, we beam immediately...Kirk out"

You and Chekov instantly began both knew something serious had happened after there was a loud crash and now the captain was telling you all to you ran, Chekov began to run at a slightly fast pace, you were trying to keep up but you were beginning to feel tired but you knew you couldn't didn't know what was on this planet and what it could potentially do to you...

The terrain was uneven and hard to run on, it was no wonder that you ended up you fell, you felt, and heard a screamed out in pain as you toppled to the ground...I looked up and saw Chekov stop in his tracks. 

"Go, I'll be fine...get back to base, I'm right behind you..."

He looked at me and to the direction he was supposed to be running...meanwhile you tried to stand up and failed miserably, you heard footsteps and presumed that Chekov had left like you told him to...but then you felt his arms picking you up bridal style and continued to run to the base point...

""You don't have to do this..."

"I know...but I vant to help you becauze I lowve you...and I'd newver leawve you..."


There will definitely be a Part 2 so keep an eye out for that. Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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