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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(Thank you so much for over 40k reads on this book, it means a lot to me ❤️❤️❤️)


My parents had always warned me about the difficulty of joining Starfleet considering the fact I was a Romulan, but I didn't let that faze was what I wanted to do in life and I loved it. At first, everyone was very accepting of me and I was glad that they could see past my race and focus on who I was as a person or at least they did until Nero came along...

It was people like Nero that made the rest of the universe question whether they trusted us or now, I was sitting here, receiving all the looks and whispers that my parents had feared for me, and although it wasn't that bad...if still hurt a bit.

The worst part was after Nero had hailed us and started talking about specific members of the crew...nobody thought about the fact it was public record to know the more important people on a ship...everyone just presumed that I had told him and that I was plotting against everyone...

"Miss (Y/L/N), could I speak with you for a moment"

"Of course Mr Spock..."

"As current Captain of this ship I must put the safety of my crew first..."


Both I and Spock turned to see who had interrupted and were met by Bomes...

"Excuse me Mr Kirk???"

"I said aren't thinking of the safety of your crew cause you were going ask (Y/N) to get of the ship...god dammit man, she's just as much part of this crew as you and I Spock...she's done nothing wrong and you know that...I've known (Y/N) since she joined starfleet and she is one of the sweetest people in the universe and you want to punish her for the fact she's the same race as someone attacking us...well that's just racist...all of you should be ashamed of yourselves..."

Spock turned to me and apologised before walking back to his chair...everyone else stopped the looks and the whispers and got back to work, I of the other hand ran and hugged Bones...he stood up for me when no-one else would, and that was the sweetest thing anyone had ever done for me...

"Thank you Bones...your such an amazing friend"

"Your welcome darlin'...I just couldn't stand by and watch you get treated that way...your my best friend after all..."


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now