Kirk (Part 2)

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Here is Part 2 of the previous Kirk imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


We were gonna make him suffer, John Harrison, Khan...whatever his name didn't matter, all that mattered was that he was dead, and that he felt the pain my dad had to feel because of him.

He'd hide himself in the one place he thought we would never go...but we did...he was a criminal, our criminal...and we weren't letting him get away with it. The original plan was to just shoot 72 torpedoes at him and hope he dies a painful death...but Jim opted for the civil approach and we ended up taking him prisoner which was the better option since the enterprise was currently not able to move and if we'd just shot torpedoes at the Klingons then I don't think they'd be so forgiving.

The whole taking him prisoner thing kind of blew up in our faces though because admiral Marcus came the destroy us with this advanced ship and long story short...Khan got control of it, and Jim know I was gonna kill Khan even if it was the last thing I did because now, not only had he murdered my father but he'd managed to get the man who was like a big brother to die as this point, I was beyond angry, so after khan's ship crashed and he tried to get away, I managed to beam myself down and go after him, I managed to catch up to him and we ended up fighting, he was a lot stronger than me, but I didn't give up...I was determined to kill this evil man and I was going to kill him today, even if it killed me...

I eventually got the upper hand in the fight and found myself punch all my anger out on Khans face...I was ready to end this when Uhura appeared behind me...she told me that Khans blood could save Jim...after hearing that, I stopped...I just sat there looking down on the one person I hated most in the world...I knew I had to spare him but just before I did, I gave him one last hit...

After that I made my way to find Jim...I eventually found his room and just sat there holding his hand, waiting for him to wake was weird to think that the two of us weren't related but we still cared for one another like family...but I suppose, we'd both lost so much family in our lifetimes, that we held on tightly to any other connections we had to people.

It was my dad that had convinced Jim to join was my dad who'd made us like a family...and I was so glad that he had because now I wasn't alone...I at least had Jim, which was all I needed because I knew he'd look after me, and I'd look after matter what...


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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