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Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by @Tiarex3 :Please can you do an y/n with bones where you get knocked out for some reason and you wake up in Med bay. You try to get off the bed, fall, and bones catches you before you do any more damage. Thanks xxxx

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Scotty had always warned me about those stupid pipes but would I listen??? No. And it would come as no surprise that as I was casually sitting on top of a rather high pipe, I ended up getting my foot caught as I was trying to climb higher but rather than go higher I seem to crash to the ground, after that I don't remember must apart from darkness or atleast that was the case until I was able to open my eyes and was greeted by the blinding lights of the medbay...

After eyes adjusted to the lights I sat up and looked no surprise, the medbay was busy with nurses and doctors rushing around treating injured crew members for various injuries, I calmly watched as the chaos unfolded...I then decided that it would be a good idea to try and get up...I emphasise the try because it turned out that no matter how fine I felt, it appeared that my body still hadn't recovered so as I tried to stand up I found myself heading straight to the floor,, however, my body never came in contact with the floor, luckily, but instead it was held in the strong arms of none other than my favourite doctor, Bones...

"Careful there darlin'...don't want to cause yourself more injuries do you???"

"I wasn't planning to but it seemed my body had other ideas..."

"Yeah well, keep that body of yours in check...I can't have my favourite patient becoming a regular visitor, because you know I love you (Y/N), and I'd rather not have to see you injured almost every week..."

"You do realise I don't choose to do this to myself right???"

"So, someone forced you to go on that blasted pipe again???"


"Exactly, now stay away from it ok...if you really want to spend so much time with me you know we could just go on a date right darlin'..."

"Not everything is about you bones..."

"Are you sure about that darlin'..."

"Shut up..."

"Whatever you say...I'll pick you up at 6...she you then darlin'..."

"Wait, wha..."

But before I had a chance to finish my sentence bones had already disappeared back into the sea for medbay workers rushing to do their jobs meanwhile I sat their flustered at what had just looks like I'm going on a date with Bones...


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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