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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 46k reads on this book ❤️❤️❤️ also, for those interested, I got my exam results today and I passed so I am currently in a really happy mood which is the complete opposite to how I was about last years results but anyway, it's off to college for me now to do Visual Communication, I can't wait!!! 😄😄😄)

 Thank you so much for over 46k reads on this book ❤️❤️❤️ also, for those interested, I got my exam results today and I passed so I am currently in a really happy mood which is the complete opposite to how I was about last years results but anyway...

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I wish I could disappear and avoid everyone, I'd managed to completely embarrass myself and now Chekov was probably going to think I was an idiot, and honestly, I don't blame him.

Basically ever since I arrived on the enterprise I'd had a crush on Chekov, he was just so handsome and brave, he was just so perfect. I'd kept my crush to myself because I didn't want to make a fool of myself if Chekov didn't like me back but during our 5 year mission, we were going to Yorktown and I decided that I'd tell Chekov how I felt in the hope that while we were at Yorktown, maybe we could get to know each other and spend time together.

"Hey Pavel..."

"Hi (Y/N), you exzited for zome time off???"

"I can't wait, what about you??? Got anything fun planned???"

"I'm exzited, Sophia from XD engineering department azked me on a date, I can't vait I haff been dreaming of ziz day"

"I didn't realise you liked Sophia..."

"Who doesn't?! And bezidez she'z picked me ower size Keptin zo I'm ower ze moon"

"Oh...uhh, I just realised I need to get a report finished...I'm gonna have to go but I'll see you later"

"Okay...zee you later (Y/N), good luck vith ze report"

Of course my crush had a crush on someone else with a family, and of course his crush would ask him out first. I had been walking toward my quarters feeling stupid when I bumped into my best friend, Kirk.

"Oh...hi Kirk"

"What's got you so down???"

"The guy of my dreams is happily going on a date with Sophia from the engineering department and I'm going to be alone forever..."

"You wont be alone've got me at least"

"I what you going to do in Yorktown???"

"Well I was on my way to ask a beautiful girl to go on a date with me..."

"Oh okay...well I'll leave you to it"

"Let me finish...(Y/N), I was wondering if you could like to go on a date with me"

"This isn't a pity date is it???"

"Nope, I'm being serious"

"Well then, I'd love to go on a date with you Jim"

Okay, so maybe today wasn't all bad.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now