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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


You and Bones stood in the doorway of your 3 year old son's, Chance's, room. You had just managed to put him to sleep after reading him 5 stories about space and singing him 4 lullabies and now he was peacefully laying in bed dreaming of wonderful adventures. Leo wrapped his arms round your waist from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder.

"He's so cute...thank you for bringing him into this world"

"Hey, we both played apart in bringing him into the world"

"I know but you were the one who did most of the work darlin'...I'm so grateful you did..."

"Why do I get the impression you want something"

"Well I've been wanting to know how you'd feel about having another one"

"Are you serious??? You want another baby???"

"It's only a suggestion...but I want to have more kids with you (Y/N)...and I know Chance would love to be a big brother..."

"Leo...I'd love to have another baby with you"



You turned in Leo's arm and kissed him, you broke apart and shut Chance's door before heading to your own room...might as well start trying 😉😉😉

*time skip because the purpose is to experience fear*

A few weeks had passed since you and Leo talked about another baby and since that night you noticed you hadn't had your period, so now you were sitting in the bathroom taking a test. Leo was currently in the living room playing cars with Chance, waiting patiently for your news.

After the time was up, you pick the stick and turned in over and thankfully there was the little cross to tell you that you were pregnant. You rushed out of the bathroom and over to Bones, you told him you were pregnant and he pulled your lips onto his, the two of you shared a passionate kiss but soon stopped after you heard Chance making an 'eww' sound, you and Bones couldn't help but laugh at his cuteness.

When it came to explaining to your son what was happening, at first he didn't understand but after a while of explaining, he seemed to understand and got quite excited about being a big brother, you loved that he was so happy with another baby coming along, you didn't want him to feel like he was being pushed to the side, you wanted him to understand that you would love him and the new baby in the same way and thankfully he understood.

Soon it was 9 months after finding out you were pregnant and here you were in the Medbay using all your energy to deliver your could feel your body being drained and you didn't know if you'd be able to continue but then the sound you'd been waiting for filled your ears...the sound of a baby crying...your baby crying. The doctor lifted your baby into your arms and told you it was a girl, Bones was standing beside you and the two of you looked down at the gorgeous baby girl you'd created together, she was so perfect. A nurse came and took her away to be cleaned up and in that time you and Leo came up with her name.

"What about naming her after your mother???"

"Hmm, no...I want to name her something new..."

"What about???...what about Clara???"

"Clara??? Clara McCoy...I love it"

"I'm glad..."

The nurse brought Clara back to you and as you held her, you couldn't stop thinking about the last time you'd done this, and remembering how small Chance was at this age.

"Do you want to go get Chance??? I think he'd want to meet his baby sister"

"Okay...ill be right back"

Leo left but within a few minutes returned but this time, carrying Chance with him. Chance looked at the bundle of blanket in your arms with much curiosity. You got Leo to sit him down on the bed beside you and you instantly hugged your little boy, you'd missed him so much.

"Hi muma..."

"Hello darling...there's someone I want you to meet...but you have to be really gentle okay"

"Okay mummy"

"Chance, this is your little sister Clara..."

Chance looked at the baby and a smile appeared on his face, you watched him study Clara and then he did the cutest thing...he carefully kissed her little looked at Bones and the two of your hearts just melted as you were the happiest parents in space. You were so glad Bones suggested having another baby, your family had increased by one and you couldn't be happier. You were so glad that Chance and Clara were getting along and you were so glad that this was your family. Since being with Leo, your life has been the best and now you have had two of his children and you couldn't be happier.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now