Kirk (Part 2)

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Here is Part 2 of the previous Kirk imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


"Scotty your not talking me out of this..."

"I didnae say I was goin' tae lass but just think about what yer aboot tae dae..."

"I'm going to get Jim that's what I'm going to do..."

"What, you think they'll just give Jim back because you said so???"

"It's worth a's the only plan we have right now so, energise..."

"I cannae dae that lassie..."

"Scotty I have to do this..."

"No yae dinnae...Spock will send out a rescue team, until then you just have tae stay calm"

"Stay calm?! How am I meant to stay calm when Jim could be getting tortured for all I know..."

As you spoke you could feel tears running down your face. Scotty pulled you into a hug in an attempt to comfort you but all you really wanted was for Jim to be hugging you, that way you'd know he was safe, but he wasn't, and you didn't know if you'd ever see him again let alone if he was safe or not...all you knew was that if you were gonna save Jim, you needed to come up with a plan that meant Scotty wouldn't realise you'd gone.

Spock, just as Scotty said, sent out a rescue team but they ended up coming back empty handed and on the verge of death from all the injuries they had a normal person would probably get scared by that but then again, you weren't normal because, while others looked at injuries that they could possibly get, you looked to see what could be happening to Jim and it only made you more determined to go after him, so while everyone else was busy coming up with another rescue plan, you headed to the transport room.

Luckily Scotty wasn't there and there was just a clueless new recruit, so you convinced him that it was vital that you got to the planets surface, and thankfully he did as you said and soon you were on the planet heading to the place the species had taken Jim. As you entered the cathedral like structure, you were greeted by aliens that towered over you, but this didn't phase you, you had one goal and you weren't going to let these things stop you.

"Who dares trespass on our sacred land???"

"My name is (Y/N) (Y/L/N), of the USS Enterprise..."

"What are you doing here???"

"I've come for my Captain..."

"Here, take him..."

"Now you listen h...wait a minute...what?!"

"Take him...he's high maintenance and my people cannot cope with him..."

"Ok...well, thank you..."

Another creature threw Jim to your feet, you helped him stand and walked him outside before calling the Enterprise to beam you back...once onto the enterprise you helped Jim to the medbay, on your way you were met by Scotty who looked like he was looking at a ghost...

"(Y/N)?! Jim?! How?!"

"I just asked and they gave me help me"

Together you and Scotty managed to get Jim to the medbay and you sat with him until he got better. He meant the world to you, and you were glad he was back where he belonged...with you.


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

Star Trek Imagines Book 2Where stories live. Discover now