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Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


You and Kirk stood in the doorway of your 7 year old daughter, Amie's, room. You had just managed to put her to sleep after dragging her away from her toys and now she was peacefully laying in bed dreaming of wonderful adventures. Jim wrapped his arms round your waist from behind and rested his chin on your shoulder.

"She's so perfect...thank you for bringing her into this world for me..."

"Hey, we both played apart in bringing her into the world"

"I know but you did all the heavy lifting, I just sat and apparently irritated you the whole time...I'm so grateful you put up with me though..."

"Why do I get the impression you want something"

"Well...I've been wanting to know how you'd feel about having another one"

"Are you serious?! You want another one already?!"

"It's only a suggestion...but I want to have more kids with you (Y/N)...and I know Amie would love to be a big sister...besides, it's been 7 years since the last time..."

"Jim...I love you, I really do...but another kid?! It might only be 7 years but I'm those 7 years we've had to deal with a lot, it's been dangerous enough having one kid on the enterprise let alone consider having the idea is lovely, yes, but we have to think about the practical side of things and it just isn't safe to expand our family on the ship..."

"So we'll leave...we'll go back to earth and put the enterprise behind us...what do you say???"

"Jim...we both know that it's not that simple...your the Captain, you love the enterprise...we both love our jobs too much to just through it away like that..."



"I suppose your right...but say you accidentally got pregnant...totally on a hypothetical level...could we expand our family???"

"Hypothetically...yes...but don't go getting any ideas Jim Kirk..."

You turned in Jim's arm and kissed him, you broke apart and shut Amie's door before heading to your own room to sleep.

A few weeks had passed since you and Jim talked about the whole other baby situation and you had felt bad for shutting the idea's not like you didn't want another child with Jim, you'd love to have more children with the love of your life, but right now, you felt like it was hard enough to keep Amur safe from the dangers of space...all the viruses and was no place for children but you and Jim made it work with one kid...two kids would be a bit of a stretch and the idea of something going wrong just made your heart no matter how disappointed you and Jim were, you both just had to live with the fact that Amie may be your only ever child...


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X

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